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Social app for hybrid work
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Jun 6. 2023
Featured on : Jun 6. 2023
What is Folks?
Work friends make work fun! Folks is a simple iOS and Android app that helps you coordinate and connect with work colleagues in a hybrid work environment.
In a hybrid work environment, employees often struggle to coordinate and connect with work colleagues, which can lead to feelings of isolation and lower team cohesion.
Folks is a social app designed for iOS and Android that facilitates the coordination and connection among work colleagues in a hybrid work environment. It simplifies the process of planning meetups, sharing availability, and fostering work friendships.
Professionals working in a hybrid or remote setting, HR departments looking to enhance employee engagement, and team leaders interested in boosting team morale and connectivity.
Unique Features
Designed specifically for the hybrid work environment, easy to use on both iOS and Android, focuses on improving work friendships and team cohesion.
User Comments
Helps in improving team connectivity.
Easy to plan meetups and share availability.
Facilitates work friendships, making work more fun.
User-friendly interface.
Valuable tool for HR to enhance employee engagement.
Detailed traction data is not provided. Additional research needed for specific metrics such as number of users, revenue, etc.
Market Size
Data specific to the market size for social apps designed for the hybrid work environment is not readily available. However, the global enterprise collaboration market is expected to grow significantly, indicating a substantial potential market.