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Flow GPT
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Flow GPT
Share and discover useful ChatGPT prompts
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Jan 6. 2023
Featured on : Jan 6. 2023
What is Flow GPT?
FlowGPT: Share, discover, and learn about the most useful ChatGPT prompts that help you streamline your tasks and increase productivity.
Users often struggle to find effective and specific ChatGPT prompts that streamline their tasks and enhance productivity, leading to time wasted on trial and error.
FlowGPT is a platform where users can share, discover, and learn about the most useful ChatGPT prompts for streamlining tasks and increasing productivity.
The primary users of FlowGPT are developers, writers, productivity enthusiasts, and business professionals seeking efficient ways to harness the capability of ChatGPT.
Unique Features
The unique feature of FlowGPT is its community-driven approach to collecting and sharing highly effective and categorized prompts for various needs, significantly reducing the time and effort users spend on finding the right prompts.
User Comments
Highly useful and time-saving tool for finding ChatGPT prompts.
Great community engagement.
Enhances productivity by providing ready-to-use prompts.
Needs more diverse prompts in certain categories.
User-friendly interface.
$0 reported revenue, newly launched, growing user base, product version 1.0
Market Size
The global productivity software market is expected to reach $102.0 billion by 2027. Given the integral role that AI and ChatGPT prompts play in productivity, the market size for platforms like FlowGPT is significant.