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Flatfile Data Exchange Platform
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Flatfile Data Exchange Platform
API-based platform to build ideal data-file import solutions
# Developer Tools
Featured on : Jul 25. 2023
Featured on : Jul 25. 2023
What is Flatfile Data Exchange Platform?
The new extensible Flatfile Data Exchange Platform enables developers to build fully customizable, powerful workflows that address any file-based import use case.
Developers often struggle with building and implementing customizable, powerful workflows for file-based import use cases, leading to inefficient data import processes and a poor user experience due to lack of flexibility and robustness.
Flatfile's Data Exchange Platform is an API-based platform that enables developers to create fully customizable, powerful workflows for any file-based import use case, simplifying the data import process and improving user experience.
Developers who need to implement customizable data import solutions for various applications.
Unique Features
The platform’s extensibility and ability to address any file-based import use case with robust workflows.
User Comments
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Not enough traction data available to summarize.
Market Size
The global data integration market size is expected to reach $22.4 billion by 2025.