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Maximize conversion rates with proactive FAQs
# Customer Service Assistant
Featured on : Jul 15. 2024
Featured on : Jul 15. 2024
What is FAQPopup?
Your website's FAQ page at the bottom is a goldmine of information for your visitors. However 80% of visitors will lose interest before they even reach it. Answer their questions proactively to turn visitors into customers.
Users often lose interest before reaching the FAQ page at the bottom of a website, leading to missed conversion opportunities.
FAQPopup is a customer engagement tool that displays proactive FAQs to website visitors, aiming to answer questions and increase conversions without them having to navigate to the FAQ page.
This product is ideally suited for e-commerce businesses, SaaS providers, and any online service that requires educating their users to increase conversion rates.
Unique Features
The unique feature of FAQPopup is its proactive approach in popping up relevant FAQs to engage the user before they disengage, directly addressing user concerns and boosting conversion rates.
User Comments
Users appreciate the proactive nature of the tool.
It helps reduce bounce rates by engaging visitors instantly.
Supports increasing conversion rates effectively.
Easy to integrate and customize.
Positive feedback on customer support and regular updates.
FAQPopup was highlighted on ProductHunt with positive reactions, significant upvotes, and active engagement from early adopters in various industries.
Market Size
The global market for CRM which includes proactive customer engagement tools like FAQPopup was valued at $52 billion in 2022 with a growth forecast at 14% CAGR through 2027.