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AI reading assistant
# Text to Speech
Featured on : Apr 12. 2024
Featured on : Apr 12. 2024
What is ExplainTXT?
Boost your reading with real-time explanations! Select any text you don't understand, and get instant explanations without leaving the page. Perfect for academic papers, coding & documentation, and finance & legal documents. Supercharge your reading!
Users struggle to comprehend complex texts in areas like academic papers, coding & documentation, and finance & legal documents, leading to a decrease in productivity and understanding. The drawbacks of the old situation are decrease in productivity and understanding.
Explaintxt is an AI reading assistant that provides real-time explanations for any selected text. Users can receive instant clarifications without leaving the page, making it easier to understand complex documents.
Students, professionals, and researchers who regularly deal with complex documents in fields like academia, software development, and finance & legal sectors.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Explaintxt is its ability to provide instant, context-aware explanations directly within the document being read, without the need for external research.
User Comments
Saves time on research
Improves comprehension of complex documents
Highly recommended for students and developers
Makes reading legal documents easier
A must-have tool for academic research
Due to the constraints, specific traction data cannot be obtained without access to the product’s website or
Market Size
The market size for AI reading and comprehension assistance tools is difficult to quantify without specific data. However, the global e-learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025, which could serve as a proxy for potential market size.