What is Examly.ai?
Ace the 11+ exams with Examly: featuring mock and practice exams, progress tracking, and an essay reviewer. Explore the 11+ Vocabulary app on iOS and Android for daily words, quizzes, and pathways. Master your prep with our comprehensive tools and insights.
Students preparing for the 11+ exams often struggle with efficient study methods, lack of practice material, difficulty tracking their progress, and inadequate preparation for essay sections. lack of practice material, difficulty tracking their progress, and inadequate preparation for essay sections
Examly is a comprehensive educational tool that includes mock and practice exams, progress tracking, and an essay reviewer for the 11+ exams. Available on iOS and Android, it also offers a vocabulary app for daily words, quizzes, and pathways. includes mock and practice exams, progress tracking, and an essay reviewer for the 11+ exams
Students preparing for the 11+ exams, their parents looking for reliable preparation tools, and educators seeking comprehensive resources to support their students.
Unique Features
Combines practice exams, progress tracking, and an essay reviewer into a single platform. Offers a dedicated vocabulary app to enhance language skills specifically for the 11+ exams.
User Comments
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Lacks specific information on user numbers, revenue, or growth data.
Market Size
Data on the specific market size for 11+ exam preparation tools is not readily available, but the global e-learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025.