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Open-source AI tutor for quizzes, mindmaps, & flashcards
# Education Assistant
Featured on : Apr 14. 2024
Featured on : Apr 14. 2024
What is Evelyn?
More than a chatbot. Evelyn is an open-source AI tutor that engages with your students via quizzes, mindmaps, and flashcards.
Students often struggle with engaging and understanding educational content through traditional study methods, which may fail to cater to individual learning preferences and goals.
Evelyn is an open-source AI tutor that helps students engage with educational material via quizzes, mindmaps, and flashcards. Users can interact with AI to create personalized learning experiences, focusing on achieving better educational outcomes through these interactive tools.
Evelyn is ideal for students, educators, and educational institutions who seek interactive and adaptive learning tools to enhance educational engagement and effectiveness.
User Comments
Highly effective tool for learning
Easy to use and interactive
Loved the personalized learning experience
Great support for quiz and flashcard creation
The mindmaps help visualize complex information
Market Size
The global e-learning market size is projected to reach $1 trillion by 2027, driven by increasing adoption of digital learning tools and personalized educational technologies.