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Empty Email
AI noise-canceling filter for your email
# Noise Cancellation
Featured on : Dec 20. 2023
Featured on : Dec 20. 2023
What is Empty Email?
Create your AI-powered email filter to block unwanted noise. - Effortlessly automate your email triage with a personalized filter. - Keep your email address safe. - (Coming soon) Automate repetitive workflows with AI Reply
Users are overwhelmed by excessive and often irrelevant emails, leading to a cluttered inbox that makes it difficult to identify important messages and manage email communication effectively.
Empty Email is an AI-powered email filter designed to block unwanted noise, automate email triage, and keep email addresses safe. In the future, it will also automate repetitive workflows with AI replies.
Individuals and professionals who receive a high volume of emails daily, including marketers, executives, and freelancers.
Unique Features
Its core features include AI noise-canceling to filter out irrelevant emails, personalized filtering for email triage, and protection for email addresses. The upcoming feature of automating repetitive workflows with AI Reply is also a standout aspect.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global email security market size is expected to reach $6.8 billion by 2025.