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Do It Or Else
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Do It Or Else
Link massive pain to not achieving your goals
# Life Assistant
Featured on : Mar 7. 2024
Featured on : Mar 7. 2024
What is Do It Or Else?
Do you have trouble following through on your goals? With "Do It Or Else" you can link MASSIVE pain to not following through. Like for example donating $ to Trump or to the American Petroleum Institute (oil + gas lobbyist) or another cause you don't stand for!
Individuals often struggle to maintain commitment and follow through on their goals, leading to diminished motivation, unachieved objectives, and a cycle of procrastination. The drawbacks include diminished motivation, unachieved objectives, and a cycle of procrastination.
"Do It Or Else" is a platform that motivates users to accomplish their goals by linking non-compliance with negative incentives. Specifically, it enables users to set up a contract where they commit to donate to an organization they oppose if they fail to meet their goals. This method uses the fear of contributing to an undesired cause as a motivator. The core features include setting up contracts for goals, selecting an organization for potential donations, and tracking goal progress.
People with a history of struggling to achieve personal or professional goals, seeking alternative motivation methods. Specifically, individuals who are emotionally or politically motivated may find this platform particularly compelling. The user persona includes activists, environmentally conscious individuals, and politically engaged citizens.
Unique Features
The unique approach of linking the achievement of personal goals to the avoidance of undesired consequences, specifically by donating to controversial or opposed organizations as a form of negative reinforcement.
User Comments
No user comments available as a source of insights for analysis.
No specific traction data available as a source of insights for analysis.
Market Size
The global online motivation & personal development market is experiencing steady growth, with an expectation to expand significantly in the coming years. However, without specific data for platforms linking negative reinforcement to goal achievement, comparisons could be drawn to the broader market for motivation and self-improvement apps, which is projected to exceed $30 billion by 2025.