What is Directt.to?
Hassle free dynamic links to cover all your needs. This is an open-source alternative to the firebase dynamic links service which is expected to shut down come August 2025. This is minimalist and straight forward with a cool API
Users facing the shutdown of Firebase Dynamic Links Service by August 2025, needing an alternative solution.
Open-source alternative to Firebase Dynamic Links, offering hassle-free dynamic links with a minimalist approach and a cool API.
Developers, app owners, and businesses relying on dynamic links functionality for their applications.
Unique Features
Open-source solution, minimalist and straightforward design, cool API, provides hassle-free dynamic links.
User Comments
Simple and effective alternative to Firebase Dynamic Links.
Smooth integration and great API.
Much needed solution for those worried about the shutdown.
Gaining popularity among developers looking for alternatives to Firebase Dynamic Links.
Increasing number of users and positive feedback on its usability.
Market Size
The global market for dynamic links services and tools is projected to reach a value of approximately $3.5 billion by 2026.