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Chat in 100’s of languages in your authentic voice
# Voice Assistants
Featured on : Mar 10. 2024
Featured on : Mar 10. 2024
What is Dialects?
Dialects is a cutting-edge real voice translation app designed to break down language barriers and facilitate seamless communication between people who speak different languages or dialects.
People who speak different languages or dialects face communication barriers, leading to misunderstandings and limited interactions. The traditional solutions like text-based translation apps or services often lack the nuance and personal touch of one's own voice, leading to miscommunications and a depersonalized experience.
Dialects is a real voice translation app that allows users to chat in 100's of languages while maintaining their authentic voice. It breaks down language barriers, facilitating seamless communication between people of different language backgrounds.
The primary users of Dialects are travelers, international business professionals, and multilingual families who need to communicate effectively across different languages.
Unique Features
Maintains the user's authentic voice during translation, supports 100's of languages, seamless communication facilitation.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global language services market was valued at $56.18 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow further.