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CustomGPT Directory
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CustomGPT Directory
Learn, share & build customGPTs
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Nov 13. 2023
Featured on : Nov 13. 2023
What is CustomGPT Directory?
100% free directory with educational resources & a Discord Server to share, learn, grow, and build with other CustomGPT Builders. Just released a customGPT to search for other customGPTs!
Developers and builders face difficulties in finding educational resources and a community for learning, sharing, and building custom GPT models. The lack of consolidated resources and community support makes it challenging to advance in the burgeoning field of custom GPT projects.
CustomGPT Directory is a 100% free directory that includes educational resources and a Discord Server for customGPT builders to share, learn, grow, and engage with other builders. It also features a customGPT for searching other customGPTs, facilitating ease of access and discovery within the community.
The primary users are developers, AI enthusiasts, and technologists seeking to build or learn about custom GPT models. Additionally, educators and students interested in AI technologies can also benefit from the resources and community.
Unique Features
Its unique features include a comprehensive directory of educational resources specifically for customGPT builders and a dedicated Discord Server for community interaction. Moreover, the new customGPT search functionality stands out for allowing easy discovery of customGPT projects.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global AI Software market is expected to reach $126 billion by 2025, indicating a large and growing market for AI technologies, including customGPT projects.