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Customers.AI Website Identity Pixel
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Customers.AI Website Identity Pixel
Convert website visitor traffic to email + contact info
# Lead Generation
Featured on : Nov 10. 2023
Featured on : Nov 10. 2023
What is Customers.AI Website Identity Pixel?
Customers.AI Website Identity Pixel gets your website visitor contact info! 1. Email follow-ups! 2. B2C/B2B contact data enrichment for generative AI emails & Analytics. 3. Restore ad platform retargeting due to cookie/script deletion by Chrome/iOS.
Businesses face challenges in converting website visitors into leads due to the inability to effectively capture visitor contact info and the loss of ad platform retargeting capabilities caused by cookie/script deletions by Chrome/iOS.
Customers.AI Website Identity Pixel is a tool that enables businesses to convert website visitor traffic into email and contact info for email follow-ups, B2C/B2B contact data enrichment for generative AI emails and analytics, and to restore ad platform retargeting capabilities.
Businesses seeking to enhance their lead generation and customer data collection processes, especially those impacted by cookie/script deletion.
Unique Features
1. Email follow-ups, 2. B2C/B2B contact data enrichment for generative AI emails, 3. Restoration of ad platform retargeting capabilities.
User Comments
1. Highly effective for lead generation
2. Provides valuable contact data
3. Easy to integrate and use
4. Enhances marketing and sales efforts
5. Resolves issues arising from cookie/script deletion
Launched on ProductHunt with multiple upvotes, generating interest and early adopters, specifics about users or revenue not publicly disclosed.
Market Size
$7.9 billion estimated for the global web analytics market by 2026, reflecting the need for technologies like Customers.AI in enhancing business lead capture and analytics.