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Automate Night Shift and keyboard backlight for movies
# AI Content Generator
Featured on : Jul 5. 2024
Featured on : Jul 5. 2024
What is Curtains?
A macOS app to automatically disable Night Shift and keyboard backlight when watching a movie (or when any other app goes fullscreen) and put it back when you're done.
Mac users experience strained eyes and excessive brightness when watching movies in dark environments. The existing built-in settings like Night Shift and keyboard backlight are not automated based on app usage, leading to discomfort and a non-optimal viewing experience. Important drawbacks include strained eyes and excessive brightness.
Curtains is a macOS app that provides a solution by automatically disabling Night Shift and keyboard backlight when an app goes fullscreen (typically during movie watching), and re-enabling them afterwards. Key features include automation of lighting settings based on app activity to enhance viewing experiences.
Mac users who frequently watch movies or use apps in fullscreen mode, often during nighttime or in dark environments. These are users who prioritize comfort and optimal visual settings while viewing digital content. Mac users watching movies or requiring customized screen settings.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Curtains is its ability to automatically adjust Mac settings specifically for Night Shift and keyboard backlight based on the app's fullscreen status, enhancing the viewing experience specifically for movie watchers or fullscreen application users.
User Comments
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The specific details like MRR, number of users, and other financial metrics about Curtains are currently not available on ProductHunt or its official website.
Market Size
The market for apps enhancing nighttime screen usage specifically for macOS users can be sized by looking at the number of macOS users globally, which is in the tens of millions. As of the latest estimates, there are over 100 million active Mac users. Approximate potential market size 100 million Mac users.