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Curated Design
Web design inspiration catalog for creators
# Website Designer
Featured on : Feb 23. 2023
Featured on : Feb 23. 2023
What is Curated Design?
Introducing a curated web design gallery, featuring a collection of the top digital products and tools in the industry. Daily updates of the collection from website builders and templates to graphic design software and more.
Web designers and creators often struggle to find quality inspiration for their projects, leading to wasted time browsing through countless websites and resources without finding what they need, which can result in less innovative and engaging web designs.
A curated web design gallery that acts as a catalog featuring a collection of the top digital products and tools in the industry. It includes website builders, templates, and graphic design software, with daily updates, enabling users to easily find high-quality design inspiration and resources for their projects.
Web designers, graphic designers, digital creators, and developers looking for inspiration and tools to enhance their web projects.
Unique Features
The solution is unique because it offers a curated collection of web designs and digital tools, ensuring quality and relevance, with daily updates to keep the content fresh and up-to-date.
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Market Size
The global graphic design market size was valued at $45.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% from 2022 to 2030.