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Restaurant, bar or hotel's reviews from the people you trust
# Reviews Assistant
Featured on : Feb 17. 2024
Featured on : Feb 17. 2024
CRUBSTER is a social review platform based on trust. Decide where to go based on the average opinion of the people you follow directly or the opinion of local expert groups. Stop following the crowd!
Users struggle to find trustworthy and personalized recommendations for restaurants, bars, or hotels, often having to rely on the general and impersonal reviews found on existing platforms.
CRUBSTER is a social review platform that allows users to get recommendations based on the average opinion of people they follow or opinions from local expert groups, ensuring trust and relevance in suggestions.
The primary customers are social media users, travelers, food enthusiasts, and those seeking authentic experiences in dining or accommodation, who value recommendations from their peers or trusted experts.
Unique Features
The core uniqueness lies in its trust-based system, where recommendations are sourced from peers and local experts rather than anonymous users, promoting authenticity and relevance.
User Comments
Unfortunately, specific user comments could not be extracted directly from the provided information and require access to user feedback on platforms like Product Hunt or the product's website.
Specific details about CRUBSTER's traction such as user numbers, revenue, or growth metrics are not provided in the available information and would need to be sourced directly from Product Hunt or company announcements.
Market Size
The global online food delivery and reservation market was valued at $111.32 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly, indicating a large potential market for CRUBSTER.