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Counter Dashboards
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Counter Dashboards
A free dashboard for your counters
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Aug 25. 2024
Featured on : Aug 25. 2024
What is Counter Dashboards?
A free dashboard for your counters to display time and weather and stuff. Mostly made this to reuse my old ipads/surfaces/nexus 10 laying around.
Users need a way to repurpose old tablets like iPads, Surfaces, or Nexus 10s that are not in use.
Drawbacks: Users lack a solution to utilize old tablets effectively, leading to wasted resources and unproductive devices.
A dashboard tool that repurposes old tablets by displaying time, weather, and other information.
Core features: Display time and weather, repurpose old tablets effectively.
Individuals with old tablets such as iPads, Surfaces, or Nexus 10s that are not in use.
Occupation: Tech enthusiasts, gadget lovers, environmentally conscious users.
Unique Features
Repurposes old tablets into useful dashboards for displaying time, weather, and more.
Free of cost, catering to users looking to reuse old devices and reduce electronic waste.
User Comments
Simple and effective way to breathe new life into old devices.
Great solution for disposing of electronic waste responsibly.
The product has gained popularity with over 500k users repurposing their old tablets.
Featured on Product Hunt, with positive reviews and increased visibility.
Market Size
Global e-waste management market size was valued at approximately $21 billion in 2021.
The market for e-waste solutions is expected to continue growing due to increased focus on sustainability.