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Connect Social
Your go-to social super app for everything
# Web3
Featured on : Jul 2. 2024
Featured on : Jul 2. 2024
What is Connect Social?
A web3 social media platform built on the pi platform that aims to focus on 3 things: -Authenticity (Proof of humanness required for certain actions) -rewards with Arthereum (Collect ATH, our in-app currency by interacting) -Hyper free speech and low censure
Existing social media platforms often lack authenticity, with issues related to anonymity leading to less meaningful interactions and trust. Users also feel under-rewarded for their interactions and contributions, lacking tangible incentives. Finally, stringent censorship can inhibit free expression, leaving users seeking a platform that supports more open discourse. The drawbacks include lack of authenticity, inadequate rewards, and high censorship.
Connect Social is a web3 social media platform built on the pi platform focusing on enhancing user interaction by enforcing proof of humanness for certain actions, rewarding users with a cryptocurrency called Arthereum for participation, and promoting hyper free speech with low censorship. It is designed as a super app that integrates authentic social interactions, cryptocurrency rewards, and minimal content restrictions.
The primary users of Connect Social are likely to be individuals enthusiastic about cryptocurrency, web3 technology enthusiasts, and users disillusioned with traditional social media platforms due to issues such as excessive censorship and lack of rewards. These users span various demographics but are united by their interest in a new form of digital interaction and rewards. The user persona includes cryptocurrency enthusiasts and web3 technology users.
Unique Features
The unique features of Connect Social include its integration of blockchain technology to ensure user authenticity, its use of an in-app currency (Arthereum) to reward users for engaging with the platform, and its approach to minimize censorship to promote freer expression. This combination aims to create a more trustworthy and incentivizing social network.
User Comments
Innovative use of blockchain for social media.
Rewards system with Arthereum is enticing.
Appreciate the emphasis on free speech.
Proof of humanness increases trust on the platform.
Looking forward to less censorship.
Connect Social was recently featured on ProductHunt. Exact user numbers and revenue details are not explicitly mentioned but the platform's introduction into the rising niche of web3 social networks indicates a growing interest.
Market Size
The global social media market size was valued at approximately $192 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing. Given that Connect Social integrates web3 features, it could attract a significant portion of users interested in cryptocurrency and decentralized applications.