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Tracking the salary ranges of 1,000+ tech companies
# Research Tool
Featured on : Jan 23. 2023
Featured on : Jan 23. 2023
What is
Free website that tracks the salary ranges disclosed by 1,000+ top tech companies (including Google, Meta, Amazon, and Twitter). This salary data only recently became available on Jan. 1 as the result of new transparency laws. Updated daily.
Job seekers and employees in the tech industry struggle with accessing up-to-date and comprehensive salary information, making it hard to negotiate salaries or make informed career decisions due to the lack of transparent and readily available salary data.
A free website that aggregates and tracks salary ranges disclosed by over 1,000 top tech companies, including giants like Google, Meta, Amazon, and Twitter. This allows users to access up-to-date salary information, crucial for job negotiations and career planning, particularly after the enactment of new transparency laws.
The primary users are job seekers, current employees looking to negotiate their salaries, and HR professionals within the tech industry seeking to stay competitive with their compensation packages.
Unique Features
The product uniquely offers daily updates on salary data from over 1,000 tech companies, a comprehensive breadth that is not commonly found in other platforms.
User Comments
No user comments data accessible for analysis at this time.
No specific traction data accessible for analysis at this time.
Market Size
The global human resource management market size was valued at $16.01 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow, indicating a significant market for salary transparency and career planning tools.