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Competitor Research
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Competitor Research
The fastest, easiest way to find and research competitors
# Research Tool
Featured on : Jul 8. 2024
Featured on : Jul 8. 2024
What is Competitor Research?
Meet Competitor Research, the all-in-one tool that helps you discover and research your competitors. Get a comprehensive competitor research report for a one-time fee, with SEO, marketing, pricing, product and many more insights.
Businesses often struggle to gather comprehensive data about their competitors which can lead to less informed or slower strategic decisions.
Competitor Research is an all-in-one dashboard tool that enables users to discover and research their business competitors. This includes obtaining detailed reports covering aspects like SEO, marketing strategies, pricing, and product insights for a one-time fee.
The main users are business analysts, marketing professionals, and strategic decision-makers from various business sectors looking for a competitive advantage.
Unique Features
The product offers detailed one-time reports covering various competitive angles including SEO, marketing, pricing, and product insights which distinguish it from subscription-based models.
User Comments
Users appreciate the depth of insights provided.
The one-time payment model is popular among small businesses.
Reports are detailed and comprehensive.
The tool is praised for its ease of use.
Some users request more frequent updates or a subscription model.
Launched on ProductHunt with considerable interest.
Favorable ratings from early users.
Growing user base since launch, notably among small to mid-sized businesses.
Positive revenue trajectory noted from increased one-time report purchases.
Significant attention from the digital marketing and business analytics community.
Market Size
The market for competition analysis tools is significantly increasing. In 2023, the market for digital marketing tools alone is worth $56 billion and is growing as businesses continue to deploy digital strategies.