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CompanyGPT 2.0
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CompanyGPT 2.0
Search engine for companies and people
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
What is CompanyGPT 2.0?
Real-time company and people discovery LinkedIn-enriched data Screen and enrich companies with unlimited searches -Live headcount & growth -Headcount by country/function -Specific industries -Exec hire Data updated every 14 days
Users struggle to discover real-time information about companies and individuals for professional purposes.
Lack of access to live headcount and growth data, headcount by country/function, specific industries, and executive hires.
A search engine tool with real-time, LinkedIn-enriched data for discovering companies and individuals.
Users can screen and enrich companies with unlimited searches, access live headcount and growth data, headcount by country/function, specific industries, and executive hires. Data is updated every 14 days.
Professionals and businesses seeking real-time insights into companies, industries, and individuals for networking, business development, and recruitment.
HR professionals, recruiters, business developers, sales executives, consultants.
Unique Features
Real-time company and people discovery with LinkedIn-enriched data
Live headcount and growth information,
Headcount breakdown by country and function,
Insights into specific industries and executive hires,
Data updated every 14 days.
User Comments
Highly valuable tool for HR departments and recruitment agencies
Seamless experience in finding relevant company and executive information
Efficient way to stay updated on industry trends and competitor growth
Enhances business development strategies with accurate and real-time data
User-friendly interface that simplifies the process of discovering detailed company insights
Currently, CompanyGPT 2.0 has over 10,000 active users
120% MRR growth since the latest update
Featured by major industry magazines and received positive reviews from users
Implemented new features such as industry-specific search filters and enhanced data visualization tools
Market Size
The global market for business intelligence software was valued at $26.50 billion in 2020,
with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.1% from 2021 to 2028.