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Sell 2x more annual plans
# Sales Assistant
Featured on : Mar 15. 2023
Featured on : Mar 15. 2023
What is Comfi?
Comfi helps both buyers and sellers of SaaS. ◾ Sell 2x more annual plans ◾ Get debt-free and dilution-free upfront capital. ◾ Increase your sales conversion into annual.
SaaS businesses often struggle to incentivize customers to choose annual plans over monthly subscriptions, facing issues like lower upfront cash flow and lower sales conversion rates for long-term commitments. The drawbacks include difficulty in rapidly scaling due to the gradual revenue stream from monthly subscriptions and the challenge of securing upfront capital without incurring debt or dilution.
Comfi is a platform that assists both buyers and sellers of SaaS products. It offers a solution to sell 2x more annual plans by providing debt-free and dilution-free upfront capital, which in turn helps to increase sales conversion into annual subscriptions. This approach supports SaaS businesses in overcoming the challenges of scaling and securing upfront capital without the usual drawbacks.
The primary users of Comfi are SaaS business owners looking to increase their annual plan sales, as well as buyers who prefer annual subscriptions over monthly ones for potentially better deals. These users range from startups to established companies in various sectors that offer software as a service.
Unique Features
The unique offering of Comfi lies in its ability to provide upfront capital to SaaS businesses without incurring debt or dilution, effectively doubling the sales of annual plans. This innovative financial solution encourages long-term customer commitments by making annual plans more attractive and financially feasible.
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Market Size
The global SaaS market size is expected to reach $172 billion by 2022, indicating a substantial potential market for solutions like Comfi that support the sale of annual plans.