What is CityRank?
If you can rate restaurants, why not cities? Discover and review cities worldwide with CityRank! Explore top destinations, access AI-driven insights, track your favorite places, and compete on leaderboards. Make every city visit an adventure with CityRank!
Users can rate restaurants, but not cities
Users lack a platform to discover and review cities worldwide, access AI-driven insights, track favorite places, and compete on leaderboards
Web-based platform
Users can discover and review cities worldwide, access AI-driven insights, track favorite places, and compete on leaderboards
Examples: Access AI-driven insights, review cities, track favorite places
Travel enthusiasts, digital nomads, and people who enjoy exploring new places
Unique Features
AI-driven insights
Leaderboards for competition
Tracking favorite places
Market Size
Global tourism industry generated approximately $1.7 trillion in revenue in 2019