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Track insider trades from CEO's of publicly traded companies
# Investing Assistant
Featured on : Mar 4. 2024
Featured on : Mar 4. 2024
What is
Get notifications in real-time when CEOs of publicly traded stock companies make big stock moves, so you can trade alongside the insiders. Level the playing field.
Investors often lack access to timely information about insider trades, specifically when CEOs of publicly traded companies make significant stock moves. This delay or lack of information puts retail investors at a disadvantage compared to insiders and institutional traders who have immediate access to such data.
Solution is a notification service that alerts users in real-time when CEOs of publicly traded stock companies make big stock moves. This allows retail investors to trade alongside the insiders, effectively leveling the playing field.
The primary users are retail investors, day traders, and financial analysts who are interested in tracking insider trades to make informed investment decisions.
Unique Features
Real-time notifications of CEO stock trades stand out as a unique feature. This timely access to insider trading information is not commonly provided by other investment tools or platforms with the same level of immediacy.
User Comments
Given the product's nature, real user comments were not available for review at the time of this analysis.
Specific traction statistics such as number of users, revenue, or financing were not available for review at the time of this analysis.
Market Size
The global stock market was valued at approximately $95 trillion as of the end of 2020. While this figure encompasses the entire market, the niche for insider trading information services is smaller but significant, given the market's overall size.