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Bliss Brain
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Bliss Brain
Tailored meditations, no prerecorded content
# Life Assistant
Featured on : Jan 15. 2024
Featured on : Jan 15. 2024
What is Bliss Brain?
Bliss Brain creates guided meditations personalized for your needs in real-time. Describe the topic you'd like to meditate on, select a voice, length, and background music to receive a unique session. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all meditations!
Users finding generic guided meditations ineffective due to lack of personalization to their specific emotional or mental state lack of personalization.
Bliss Brain offers a platform where users can describe their meditation needs and customize aspects like voice, length, and background music to receive guided meditations personalized for their specific requirements.
Individuals seeking enhanced mental health support, stress relief, or personal growth through meditation, specifically busy professionals, mental health enthusiasts, and mindfulness practitioners.
Unique Features
Real-time creation of personalized meditations, Customizable voice, length, and music options.
User Comments
Highly appreciated for personalization features.
Users enjoy the customizability of voice and music.
Effective in providing a tailored meditation experience.
Positive impact on mental health noted.
Flexible length options suit different user schedules.
As a newer product, specific traction metrics such as user numbers or revenue details might not be widely available. Visiting Product Hunt and the product's website directly would provide the most current information.
Market Size
The global meditation market size was $9 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow, driven by increasing awareness about mental health.