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beehiiv AI
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beehiiv AI
Artificial Intelligence built for newsletter operators
# Email Marketing
Featured on : Jul 12. 2023
Featured on : Jul 12. 2023
What is beehiiv AI?
The first newsletter platform to roll out its own suite of AI tools to help users optimize and streamline their content creation. Built directly into beehiiv’s text editor—making the best editor in email even more dynamic and powerful than before.
Newsletter operators often struggle with content optimization and streamlining their creation process, leading to suboptimal engagement and time inefficiency.
Beehiiv AI is a newsletter platform with an integrated suite of AI tools designed to help users optimize and streamline their content creation directly within beehiiv’s text editor.
Newsletter operators, email marketers, content creators
Unique Features
First newsletter platform to integrate a suite of AI tools directly into the text editor for content optimization.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global email marketing market size was $7.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.