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Linkedin -> Job App. Never write another cover letter
# Resume Builder
Featured on : Jan 14. 2023
Featured on : Jan 14. 2023
What is ApplicantAI?
Applicant AI takes a LinkedIn URL and automatically will convert your profile into a resume or a cover letter (when provided with the info of the company). It is completely free to use right now, and is a fun project exploring AI. AI powered by Respell AI™.
Job seekers often spend excessive time crafting personalized resumes and cover letters for each application, a process that is time-consuming and can be inefficient. The inefficiency and time consumption in customizing application documents for each job pose significant challenges.
ApplicantAI is a tool that transforms a LinkedIn profile into a resume or a cover letter tailored to a specific company by utilizing the information provided. By automating this process, it offers a time-efficient solution for job seekers to generate personalized application documents.
The primary users of ApplicantAI are job seekers, including recent graduates, professionals looking to switch careers, and individuals actively searching for new employment opportunities.
Unique Features
The key unique feature of ApplicantAI is its ability to automatically convert a LinkedIn URL into a detailed resume or a cover letter by leveraging AI, specifically powered by Respell AI™.
User Comments
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Without direct access to the product's page on Product Hunt and its official website, specific traction data such as number of users, revenue, or version updates for ApplicantAI cannot be provided.
Market Size
The global career & education technology market which includes resume and cover letter creation tools is expected to grow, but without specific data on ApplicantAI's direct market, an accurate market size cannot be determined based on the provided information.