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App HQ
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App HQ
Create website for your next iOS app in seconds
# Website Builder
Featured on : Aug 28. 2024
Featured on : Aug 28. 2024
What is App HQ?
The App Store needs every app to have a website with contact and privacy policy info. With AppHQ, you can make one in seconds.
App developers are required to have a website with contact and privacy policy information for each iOS app in the App Store.
Lack of a quick and easy solution to create compliant websites within seconds.
Web-based tool for creating iOS app websites instantly.
Users can generate websites with necessary contact and privacy policy info in seconds.
Core features include instant website creation, auto-inclusion of contact and privacy policy info, and user-friendly interface.
iOS app developers targeting the App Store.
App developers who require quick and compliant website creation for their apps.
Unique Features
Instant website creation for iOS apps.
Automated inclusion of necessary contact and privacy policy information.
User Comments
Easy and fast solution for creating app websites.
Saves time and effort for app developers.
User-friendly interface and intuitive design.
Great tool for ensuring compliance with App Store requirements.
Highly recommended for iOS developers.
Traction information is not available at the moment for this product.
Market Size
The market size for app developers needing quick website creation solutions can be substantial, given the large number of iOS developers and apps in the market.