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Educational content made easy: create, share & sell lessons
# Education Assistant
Featured on : Dec 8. 2023
Featured on : Dec 8. 2023
What is
Create interactive educational content in minutes: discover ready-made materials, use AI for text creation, track learner progress, monetize your work. Coming soon: school features, private content libraries, collaborations and more.
Educators and content creators face difficulties in creating interactive and engaging educational content quickly. They struggle to discover ready-made materials, use advanced tools for text creation, track learner progress, and effectively monetize their work.
Amazy is a solution in the form of a content creation platform that allows users to create interactive educational content in minutes. They can discover ready-made materials, use AI for text creation, and track learner progress. Additionally, it offers monetization options for their work, with upcoming features like school features, private content libraries, and collaborations.
The primary users of Amazy are educators, content creators, and those involved in the educational sector who are looking to quickly create, share, and monetize their educational content online.
Unique Features
Amazy uniquely integrates AI for text creation, provides a vast library of ready-made materials, and includes features for tracking learner progress. It also promises upcoming features to support school operations, private content libraries, and collaboration opportunities.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global e-learning market was valued at $253.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to $457.8 billion by 2026, evidencing a significant demand for digital educational content and tools.