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Real-time alerts for Airbnb listings
# Travel
Featured on : Mar 17. 2024
Featured on : Mar 17. 2024
What is Alertbnb?
Alertbnb is an accommodation availability alert service that currently targets Airbnb. It offers real-time notifications of new accommodation listings to provide users with the best value for money and flexibility when travelling or finding somewhere to live.
Travelers and individuals seeking short or long-term accommodations often spend excessive time monitoring Airbnb for new listings, which can lead to missed opportunities to secure the best deals or desired places due to the lack of timely information.
Alertbnb is a real-time alert service that targets Airbnb accommodations. It sends notifications to users about new listings, helping them secure the best value and flexibility for their travels or residential needs.
The primary user personas for Alertbnb include vacationers, business travelers, and individuals or families in transition looking for short to long-term rentals.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Alertbnb lies in its real-time notification feature, specifically tailored for Airbnb listings, enabling users to act quickly on new accommodation options.
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Traction details are not provided. Additional information regarding the number of users, MRR, or recent updates needs to be searched on Product Hunt or the product's official website.
Market Size
The global vacation rental market was estimated to be worth $87.09 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $113.9 billion by 2027, reflecting the potential market size for Alertbnb.