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AI Logo Maker by
Describe your company and get 50 logos in 1 click
# Logo Generator
Featured on : Mar 2. 2024
Featured on : Mar 2. 2024
What is AI Logo Maker by
AI Logo Maker by is our new tool that helps makers get new ideas for their logos and icons. You can simultaneously generate 50 high-quality logos or icons in any of 18 stunning styles – or even in all 18 of them.
Businesses and individuals often struggle to develop unique and captivating logos or icons for their brand, leading to a lack of brand recognition and differentiation in the market.
AI Logo Maker by is a web-based tool that allows users to generate 50 high-quality logos or icons in any of 18 stunning styles with just a description of their company.
Startup owners, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to establish a unique brand identity without significant investment in graphic design.
Unique Features
Ability to generate 50 logos in a single click, option to choose from 18 different styles, and high-quality output suitable for professional use.
User Comments
Users appreciate the tool's ease of use and the quality of logos generated.
Saves time and resources in the logo design process.
Offers a wide range of styles, enhancing creativity.
Some users wish for more customization options.
Overall positive feedback on the effectiveness of AI in logo design.
Unable to extract specific traction data such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing from the provided materials and available public sources.
Market Size
The global graphic design market is expected to reach $45.8 billion by 2026, with logo design being a significant portion.