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AI Landing Page Builder
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AI Landing Page Builder
Create High-Converting Landing Page
# Website Builder
Featured on : Feb 6. 2024
Featured on : Feb 6. 2024
What is AI Landing Page Builder?
Permar lets you create high-converting Landing Pages in Seconds.
Users face difficulties in quickly creating effective, high-converting landing pages due to lack of design expertise or complex tools, resulting in poor conversion rates and inefficiency in marketing efforts.
AI Landing Page Builder is a tool that enables users to create high-converting landing pages in seconds without the need for design experience or technical skills.
Marketers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals looking to promote products or services online quickly and effectively.
Unique Features
The AI's ability to generate optimized landing pages rapidly, reducing the time and expertise required for effective online marketing.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and speed of creating landing pages.
Positive feedback on the effectiveness of conversion rates.
Ease of use highlighted as a major advantage.
Some users may request more customization options.
General satisfaction with the AI's design capabilities.
The product has a significant number of upvotes on ProductHunt.
User testimonials and reviews on ProductHunt indicate a growing user base.
The product is recognized for its innovation and efficiency, leading to increased interest and adoption.
No specific numbers on MRR, ARR, or fundraising provided.
Market Size
Global landing page software market size is valued at $1+ billion with an expected growth influenced by rising online marketing and e-commerce activities.