AI Detector and AI Humanizer Mobile App
Detect AI generated Text and PDFs and Humanize them
# AI DetectorWhat is AI Detector and AI Humanizer Mobile App?
A reliable Way to Detect whether Content was created by AI. Detect whether a Text or PDF was created with or with the help with AI. Receive detailed sharable Reports of the Analysis. Easily humanize the Contents to help make the Text undetectable.
The current situation involves users trying to determine whether content was AI-generated or created by humans. Previously, users had limited methods to perform this check, often relying on manual review processes, which can be time-consuming and inaccurate. The drawbacks include the inability to consistently and accurately "detect whether a Text or PDF was created with or with the help with AI".
This product provides a "reliable Way to Detect whether Content was created by AI". It offers a mobile app that allows users to "detect AI generated Text and PDFs" and "humanize them" to make the text undetectable. With this app, users can analyze different content types, receive "detailed sharable Reports of the Analysis", and easily convert AI-generated text into more human-like content.
"Content creators", editors, teachers, students, and digital marketers who need to verify the authenticity of written content and enhance the originality and human-like quality of generated text.
Unique Features
The product uniquely offers both AI detection and the ability to "humanize" the text, which combines detection with immediate content refinement to improve text authenticity.
Market Size
The global AI content detection market is estimated to grow significantly, with a potential value of "over $500 million" by 2025, driven by the increasing use of AI-generated content in various industries.