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Find out whether you have ADHD symptoms
# Healthcare
Featured on : Jul 21. 2024
Featured on : Jul 21. 2024
What is ADHD Quiz?
Find out whether you have ADHD symptoms.
Individuals suspecting ADHD symptoms often face challenges with access to accurate and immediate screening. Traditional methods involve lengthy consultations and appointments, which can be time-consuming and costly.
An online ADHD quiz designed as a self-assessment tool. Individuals can complete the quiz to quickly assess their symptoms without a visit to a professional. Core features include questionnaire-based immediate feedback, tailored to reflect ADHD symptoms, making the initial step toward diagnosis quicker and more accessible.
Individuals suspecting they might have ADHD, curious learners, and perhaps mental health professionals might use the tool to direct clients for a preliminary screening.
Unique Features
The quiz provides immediate, accessible, and tailored feedback based on responses, designed specifically for ADHD symptoms recognition, unlike generic psychological tests.
User Comments
User feedback not found on provided URLs.
No specific traction data (like users or revenue) mentioned on the provided URLs or product's website. Appears to be a new or less-documented product.
Market Size
Data on the specific market size for online ADHD assessments is not readily available; Considering general mental health app market growth, it's significant.