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360 VC Navigator
Secure your VC round faster with 360 VC Navigator
# CRM Assistant
Featured on : Feb 13. 2024
Featured on : Feb 13. 2024
What is 360 VC Navigator?
Going on a roadshow is hard & time consumming for founders. 360 VC Navigator make it easier & quicker for you to secure your dream investor. With a +180 top VC List, All-in-One CRM & a secure dataroom, it is your A to Z solution to raise money!
Founders find going on a roadshow hard & time-consuming when trying to secure funding from venture capitalists.
A comprehensive platform offering a +180 top VC List, All-in-One CRM & a secure dataroom to make the fundraising process easier and quicker for founders.
Startup founders and entrepreneurs looking to raise funds from venture capitalists are the primary users.
Unique Features
Combines a curated list of 180+ top venture capitalists with an All-in-One CRM and secure dataroom specifically designed for fundraising.
User Comments
Highly effective in streamlining the fundraising process.
Significantly reduces the time spent on securing funding.
The CRM functionality is particularly helpful for managing investor relations.
The secure dataroom is noted for its robust security features.
Provides great value by offering a comprehensive suite of tools.
No specific traction data available without additional information from product hunt or the product's website.
Market Size
The global venture capital investment market size was $300 billion in 2020, showcasing a substantial market for fundraising tools like 360 VC Navigator.