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2023 Wrapped Code Stats from WakaTime
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2023 Wrapped Code Stats from WakaTime
Most used languages, IDEs, and stats of developers in 2023
# DevOps Assistant
Featured on : Jan 1. 2024
Featured on : Jan 1. 2024
What is 2023 Wrapped Code Stats from WakaTime?
A custom report about your 2023 code stats, compared to all WakaTime users.
Developers lack a tool to easily compare their code stats, like most used languages and IDEs, against a broader community of coders, which leads to a lack of insights on trends and personal coding habits.
A custom report generated by WakaTime provides developers with detailed analysis of their 2023 coding stats, compared to all WakaTime users. The reports include most used languages, IDEs, and other relevant statistics, enabling users to gain insights into their coding habits and trends.
Primarily software developers and coders of varying expertise who are interested in tracking and comparing their coding activity with the broader WakaTime user base.
Unique Features
The ability to customize reports to show personal coding stats and compare these with the aggregated data of all WakaTime users is unique. It offers insights into popular languages and IDEs within the community.
User Comments
The product's user comments were not available for review, so it's not possible to summarize users' thoughts from the given information.
No specific quantitative data regarding the product’s traction, such as number of users, MRR, or new features launched since its introduction, was found from the mentioned links.
Market Size
The market size for developer tools, especially analytics and comparison tools, is difficult to quantify without specific data. However, considering the increasing number of developers globally, estimated at 28.7 million by 2024, the potential user base and market size could be significant.