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2023 State of Subscription Apps
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2023 State of Subscription Apps
RevenueCat's report on in-app subscription benchmarks
# Research Tool
Featured on : Feb 10. 2023
Featured on : Feb 10. 2023
What is 2023 State of Subscription Apps?
RevenueCat's annual overview of in-app subscription performance benchmarks, based on the world's largest subscription app data set.
Mobile app developers and companies face challenges in understanding the performance benchmarks for in-app subscriptions, making it difficult to strategize pricing, user engagement, and retention effectively.
RevenueCat's report is a comprehensive annual overview of in-app subscription performance benchmarks. It gives developers and companies data-driven insights such as average revenue per user, subscription renewal rates, and other key performance indicators, sourced from the world's largest subscription app data set.
Mobile app developers, product managers, and digital subscription businesses seeking insights into subscription model performance and benchmarks.
Unique Features
The report is unique due to its use of the world’s largest subscription app data set, offering unparalleled insights and benchmarks.
User Comments
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Specific traction details such as the number of downloads, readers, or impact of the report are not available from the provided information.
Market Size
The global mobile app market size is projected to grow to $407.31 billion by 2026, indicating a substantial market for in-app subscriptions and relevant analytics.