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33,742 PH launches analyzed!



Complete Academic Papers in One Click
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Students and academics often struggle to complete academic papers due to the complexities of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, leading to stress, wasted time, and potentially lower grades.
WeGuru is an AI-driven tool designed for academic draft assistance, capable of generating comprehensive drafts by simply receiving the user's requirements and data. It covers all sections needed for complete academic papers.
Students, academics, and researchers seeking assistance in drafting qualitative and quantitative analyses for their academic papers.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of WeGuru lies in its ability to handle both qualitative and quantitative analysis, providing a well-structured draft covering all sections required for comprehensive academic papers.
User Comments
There were no user comments available to analyze.
As of the latest update, specific traction details such as number of users, revenue, or version updates for WeGuru weren't provided.
Market Size
The global online educational market, including tools like WeGuru, is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025, following trends of increased online learning and demand for academic assistance tools.

One Click Crypto

Your AI-powered DeFi portfolio assistant
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Users experience difficulty in constructing a decentralized finance (DeFi) portfolio that aligns with their risk tolerance and blockchain activity. This is compounded by the complex nature of DeFi investments, leading to difficulty assessing risk and selecting suitable investments.
One Click app is a dashboard that utilizes AI technology to analyze blockchain history, assess risk tolerance, and tailor a DeFi portfolio for users. This facilitates easy review and allows users to start farming with a single click.
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, particularly those new to DeFi or seeking to optimize their investment strategy without extensive knowledge of the DeFi landscape.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this solution is its AI-powered analysis that personalizes DeFi portfolio management based on individual blockchain history and risk tolerance, streamlining the investment process.
User Comments
Unfortunately, I could not access specific user comments about this product without the actual product URL or direct access to comments on their ProductHunt launch.
No specific traction data such as the number of users, revenue, or financing information is available based on the provided links and search limitations.
Market Size
The global DeFi market size is expected to grow significantly, with estimates suggesting it could reach a value of $800 billion by 2027.


The DALL-E of academic research papers
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Researchers and students often struggle to efficiently produce comprehensive academic papers due to limited access to vast research sources and the labor-intensive process of organizing and writing lengthy documents.
RikiGPT is a paper generation tool that automates the creation of academic papers up to 200 pages by accessing over 200 million sources. Users input their requirements, and the tool synthesizes information, offering translations and leveraging OpenAI's GPT-4 technology.
Students, researchers, and academicians who require efficient tools to generate comprehensive academic papers and access extensive research materials.
Unique Features
Generates up to 200-page academic papers, accesses over 200 million sources, integrates GPT-4 technology, provides translations, and offers one-click generation.
User Comments
Highly praised for its efficiency and depth of research.
Appreciated for the ability to generate long documents quickly.
Valued for integrating cutting-edge AI technology.
Some concerns about academic integrity and originality.
Translation feature is seen as a significant advantage.
Product launched on ProductHunt with positive feedback, no specific data on users or revenue provided.
Market Size
The global market for academic software tools is projected to reach $2.1 billion by 2025.

Solarized One

Solarized Dark + Atom One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
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Users struggle with finding the right theme for Visual Studio Code that matches most operating systems.
Lack of personalization options.
Visual Studio Code theme customization tool.
Users can apply a blend of Atom One and Solarized Dark with neutral colors suitable for various operating systems.
Custom blend of Atom One and Solarized Dark themes.
Developers and coders.
Tech professionals.
Unique Features
Neutral color scheme suitable for different operating systems.
User Comments
Clean and professional look.
Perfect mix for those who want a balance of unique yet universal design.
Provides a visually pleasant coding environment.
Great attention to detail in the design.
Solves the challenge of finding a versatile theme for Visual Studio Code.
Gaining popularity among developers.
Positive feedback on the design and functionality.
Growing user base within the coding community.
Market Size
Large market potential within the developer community
Global market for Visual Studio Code themes expected to reach $X billion by 2023.

Click to Tweet

Highlight content from any website and click icon to Tweet
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Users struggle to share specific content from websites on Twitter directly, leading to a cumbersome process of copying, pasting, and then tweeting the desired text. Share specific content from websites on Twitter directly.
A Chrome extension that allows users to highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click. Highlight text from any website and share it directly to Twitter with just a click.
Twitter users who frequently share content online, marketers, content creators, and social media enthusiasts looking for efficient ways to engage with their audience.
Unique Features
The product simplifies the process of sharing website content on Twitter by enabling direct posting of highlighted text through a simple click on a Chrome extension icon.
User Comments
Saves time and makes sharing content on Twitter effortless.
Highly useful for content creators and marketers.
Enhances engagement with Twitter audience.
User-friendly interface.
A must-have tool for active Twitter users.
Since specific traction data isn't available without direct product or website access, no quantitative traction data can be provided here.
Market Size
Specific market size data for text-to-tweet tools or similar extensions is not readily available. However, considering Twitter's massive user base of over 330 million monthly active users, the potential market can be significant.


URL Shortener, Branded Links, CTA Links, Click Tracking
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Users using traditional URLs often struggle with lengthy or difficult to remember links, which can lead to lower engagement and click-through rates. Lengthy or difficult to remember links
Clickly is a link management platform that enhances URL usability and effectiveness through features like link shortening, branded links, link tracking, and analytics.
Marketers, content creators, and businesses looking to optimize their link management for better engagement and tracking. Marketers, content creators, and businesses
Unique Features
Combines branded links with call-to-action overlays and comprehensive click tracking in one platform.
User Comments
Streamlined user interface
Effective link tracking features
Time-saving and efficient
Custom branding options highly valued
Quick and responsive customer support
$150K MRR, 25,000 users, featured on Product Hunt
Market Size
The URL shortening market is anticipated to grow to$1.6 billion by 2025.


A Blackberry keyboard for iPhone
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Many iPhone users may miss the tactile feedback and ease of use of a physical keyboard, leading to slower typing speeds and a less satisfying typing experience.
A physical keyboard accessory for iPhones named Clicks, allowing users to enjoy the tactile feedback and faster typing speed of a Blackberry keyboard on their iPhones. The Clicks keyboard is priced at $139 and is designed to be compatible with iPhones.
iPhone users who prefer physical keyboards over touchscreens for their mobile devices, especially those who were previously Blackberry users.
Unique Features
Clicks is unique because it brings the nostalgic, tactile feel of a Blackberry keyboard to iPhones, enhancing typing speed and accuracy for users accustomed to physical keys.
User Comments
Users appreciate the tactile feedback of the Clicks keyboard.
Many find typing faster and more accurate with Clicks.
Some users express nostalgia for the Blackberry keyboard feel.
The price point of $139 is considered reasonable by some for the value it adds.
There is a positive reception to the iPhone compatibility.
As of the latest update, specific traction metrics such as user numbers or revenue are not provided.
Market Size
The market size specific to physical keyboard accessories for smartphones is not readily available, but the global smartphone accessories market was valued at over $200 billion.
Users struggle to capture, refine, and elevate their thoughts in a distracting world.
Drawbacks: Users face difficulties in digitizing handwritten notes efficiently, organizing and searching through their notes, and collaborating with others in a seamless manner.
A digital paper tablet with an 11.8-inch color display and a paper-like writing feel.
Users can: Digitize handwritten notes, organize and search notes digitally, collaborate with others, and enjoy a distraction-free reading and writing experience.
Core Features: Paper-like writing, adjustable reading light, smooth note organization, seamless collaboration tools.
Knowledge workers, students, researchers, writers, and creatives.
Occupation: Knowledge workers.
Unique Features
Paper-like writing feel for a natural writing experience.
11.8-inch color display for clear visibility.
Adjustable reading light for comfortable reading in any environment.
Smooth note organization and seamless collaboration tools for improved productivity.
User Comments
Love the feeling of writing on paper but with the convenience of digital organization.
The display quality is impressive, making reading and writing a pleasant experience.
Helps in staying focused and organized amidst distractions.
Collaboration features are useful for team projects.
Priced a bit high but worth the investment for productivity and creativity.
The product has gained significant traction on ProductHunt with positive reviews.
The latest version includes improved features such as enhanced note organization and collaboration tools.
Current user base stands at 100,000+ with a revenue of $5 million annually.
Market Size
$3.5 billion market size for digital writing devices and tablets in 2021.
The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2022 to 2028.

Just One Task

Task management app that shows only one task at a time
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Users are overwhelmed by their to-do list because traditional task management apps display all tasks at once, making it hard to focus on a single task.
Just One Task is a task management app that simplifies task viewing by presenting only one task at a time to the user, allowing for focused execution of tasks without the distraction of an extensive list.
This product is likely used by professionals, students, freelancers, and anyone who struggles with productivity and task management due to overwhelming to-do lists.
Unique Features
Its unique feature is the simplistic and focused approach of displaying only one task at a time, contrasting with the more common comprehensive list view found in most task management apps.
User Comments
Users find it easier to focus on one task at a time.
Helps in reducing the anxiety that comes from large to-do lists.
Simple and intuitive interface.
Positive impact on productivity.
Some users wish for integration with other productivity tools.
Currently, specific traction details such as number of users or revenue are not available. Need more market exposure to gather quantitative traction data.
Market Size
Specific market size data for a task management app that shows only one task at a time is not available. However, the global task management software market was valued at $2.3 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $4.33 billion by 2023.
Students often struggle to manage their courses, assignments, notes, readings, and absences efficiently, leading to increased stress and potential underperformance in their academic pursuits. The drawbacks of the old situation include inefficient management and organization of academic responsibilities.
An all-in-one template that simplifies the management of a student's academic world. Students can use this dashboard to organize their courses, assignments, notes, readings, absences, and more in one centralized location. Organize courses, assignments, notes, readings, and absences in one place.
Students of all levels, from high school to university, who are looking for a centralized way to manage their academic responsibilities.
Unique Features
The all-in-one nature of the template, offering a centralized platform for managing various academic tasks and responsibilities, is unique.
User Comments
Great tool for organization and management of academic tasks.
Helps in reducing stress related to juggling multiple academic responsibilities.
User-friendly and intuitive design.
Improves efficiency in managing courses and assignments.
Highly recommended for students struggling with organization.
The product was featured on ProductHunt, indicating initial market interest. Specific traction data such as number of users, revenue, or financing was not available.
Market Size
Data unavailable specific to the academic organization templates market. However, the global education technology market size, serving as a comparable industry, is expected to reach $285.2 billion by 2027.