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Automagically clip & post YouTube Shorts every day
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Content creators often struggle to produce and distribute engaging short-form videos consistently due to the lack of time or editing skills, which limits their ability to maximize engagement and reach on platforms like YouTube Shorts.
UseShorts is an automated tool that converts YouTube videos into YouTube Shorts, including subtitles, and posts them daily to boost engagement and audience reach without manual intervention.
The primary customers are YouTube content creators, influencers, and digital marketers who want to expand their reach and engagement on YouTube through consistent short video content.
Unique Features
Automatically generates daily YouTube Shorts from existing YouTube videos with added subtitles, all on autopilot.
User Comments
Great for increasing YouTube engagement without additional effort.
Saves time and simplifies content distribution.
Useful for repurposing long-form content into shorts effectively.
Good support and seamless integration with YouTube.
Positive impact on channel visibility and subscriber growth.
Launched on ProductHunt with positive reviews. Specific traction data like user numbers or revenue were not disclosed.
Market Size
The global social video advertising market size, which includes YouTube, is projected to $15 billion by 2023.

AI Clips: Viral shorts from long videos

Create social media ready clips 12x faster with AI
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Users struggle to efficiently create engaging short clips from longer videos. This process is often time-consuming and requires technical editing skills. efficiently create engaging short clips from longer videos
Exemplary AI Clips is a video editing tool that transforms long videos into dynamic short clips swiftly with the help of AI. Users can leverage dynamic layouts, templates, captions, subtitles, and B-roll. The AI-powered text-based editor streamlines the editing process. transforms long videos into dynamic short clips swiftly with the help of AI
Content creators, social media managers, marketers, and vloggers who need to enhance online engagement through video content. Content creators, social media managers, marketers, and vloggers
Unique Features
AI-powered text-based editing, dynamic templates, integrated captions and subtitles, and the ability to effortlessly turn long videos into engaging, social media-ready clips.
User Comments
Highly efficient and saves time.
Makes video editing accessible for non-experts.
Boosts online engagement.
High quality, professional-looking results.
User-friendly interface.
Product launched on ProductHunt with positive reviews, indicating a growing user base and interest.
Market Size
The global video editing software market is projected to reach $932.7 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 4.8% from 2020.

Them Days

Rate your day and identify trends in the bad days
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Users struggle to understand what causes their bad days due to a lack of tracking and analysis, often leading to a cycle of repeated mistakes and decreased well-being. The drawbacks include lack of tracking and analysis of bad days.
Them Days is a mobile app that allows users to rate their day on a scale from 1 to 10 and add notes about what made it a good or bad day. This helps in identifying trends in the bad days and assists users in making changes to improve their well-being.
The app targets individuals interested in personal development, mental health enthusiasts, and those seeking to understand and improve their daily well-being.
Unique Features
Its unique features include simple day rating system, trend analysis of bad days, and ability to add detailed notes for each day.
User Comments
Users appreciate the intuitive design.
Helpful in tracking mood and identifying patterns.
Some users request more in-depth analytics features.
Positive impact on their mental health and awareness.
Ease of use highlighted as a major benefit.
Based on available information, specific traction data such as the number of users or revenue is not provided.
Market Size
The global mental health app market size was $4.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.

YouTube Community Search

Allows Search and Filtering of YouTube Creator Posts
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YouTube creators with years of community posts struggle to search through and filter past posts efficiently.
Browser extension
Allows YouTube creators to search and filter through years of community posts quickly and efficiently.
Examples: quick search, filtering of all past community posts
YouTube creators with years of community posts
Unique Features
Efficient search and filtering functionality for years of community posts on YouTube
User Comments
Users find it very useful for quickly finding specific past community posts
Helps in managing and organizing community interactions efficiently
Simplifies the process of navigating through extensive content on YouTube
The traction details for the product are not available.
Market Size
No specific market size data is available for this product. However, the YouTube creator community is vast and growing rapidly, indicating a substantial market potential for tools catering to their needs.

Opus Clip AI

Turn a long video into viral shorts in 1 click
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Creators and marketers face challenges in turning lengthy videos into engaging, viral short clips efficiently, which limits their ability to quickly adapt to the fast-paced digital content trend.
Opus Clip is a gen AI video editing tool that simplifies the process by turning long videos into viral shorts with just one click, enabling users to create and grow their presence faster.
The user persona most likely to use this product include creators, video editors, digital marketing agencies, and marketers looking for efficient ways to produce short, engaging video content.
Unique Features
Opus Clip uniquely offers the ability to rapidly transform long videos into short form content suitable for viral distribution with minimal effort, leveraging AI to streamline the editing process.
User Comments
Users appreciate the efficiency and ease of use.
Many commend the AI's ability to maintain content quality in shorts.
Feedback highlights the tool's impact on expanding social media engagement.
Creators value the time saved in the editing process.
There's positive mention of its utility for content marketing strategies.
Opus Clip is used by 300k+ creators, editors, agencies, and marketers, signaling strong traction and endorsement from the digital content community.
Market Size
The market for video editing software is expected to reach $932.7 million by 2025, reflecting the growing demand for video content creation tools.

QuickVid Autopilot

Post Viral Clips on Autopilot
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Content creators and marketers often struggle to consistently post engaging video content across multiple platforms due to time constraints and the complexity of video editing. Struggle to consistently post engaging video content
QuickVid Autopilot is a generative video AI tool that helps content creators curate, edit, and post clips from existing videos automatically to various platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, and others. Users connect their video source and posting destination, and the tool manages daily postings on their behalf. Curate, edit, and post clips from existing videos automatically
Content creators, digital marketers, social media managers, and businesses looking to enhance their online presence through regular video content on platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn.
Unique Features
Automatic curation and editing of video clips, integration with multiple video sources and social platforms, and the ability to schedule and automate daily posts.
User Comments
No comments available in the provided data. Please visit product review sites or forums for feedback and ratings.
Traction details not directly available in the provided data. Look on product's website or financial disclosures for specifics like user numbers, growth statistics, or revenue details.
Market Size
The market for social media management tools is growing, driven by increased digital marketing spending. Increased digital marketing spending
Many potential content creators struggle with procrastination, overthinking, and second-guessing their ideas which leads to delayed or no execution of creating YouTube videos. The drawbacks of this old situation are delayed channel growth and missed opportunities in the digital content space.
The 5-Day Video Sprint is a challenge-based course designed to help users launch their YouTube channel using ChatGPT. It promises the creation of 5 videos in 5 days, emphasizing action over perfection with no overthinking, second-guessing, or need for fancy editing. Users can break the cycle of procrastination and start their YouTube channel efficiently.
The user persona most likely to use this product includes aspiring YouTubers, content creators, and digital entrepreneurs who have been hesitating to create or expand their YouTube presence due to procrastination or fear of imperfection. Aspiring YouTubers and content creators are the primary targeted users.
Unique Features
Focused on rapid execution and content creation, novel use of ChatGPT to streamline the video creation process, and a challenge-based approach to overcome procrastination.
User Comments
No user comments available in the provided context.
No specific traction data available in the provided context.
Market Size
The global online video platform in the media and entertainment sector market size was valued at $6.85 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow significantly.


Create LinkedIn posts from 100+ templates with AI
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There are over 1 Billion LinkedIn users, but many do not know how to start posting effectively on LinkedIn to engage an audience and reach new customers.
Postli is a dashboard tool that enables users to create LinkedIn posts using 100+ templates with AI, helping users to craft posts similar to top creators and expand their reach.
The primary users are LinkedIn users, specifically professionals, marketers, and business owners looking to improve their online presence and consumer reach on the platform.
Unique Features
What sets Postli apart is its vast library of 100+ customizable templates powered by AI designed specifically for creating engaging LinkedIn posts.
User Comments
Users have not provided comments yet.
Specific traction data for Postli is not available.
Market Size
The market size for social media management tools is significant, given the 1 Billion LinkedIn users and growing online presence needs.

AI Clips

Your AI co-pilot to turn long videos into viral shorts
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Content creators and marketers face challenges in repurposing long-format videos into engaging, shareable shorts, leading to missed opportunities for virality and audience engagement.
AI Clips is a platform that automates the transformation of long videos into viral shorts in one click. By uploading podcasts, webinars, or interviews, users can leverage Simplified AI to curate highlights and create branded, captioned, bite-sized reels ready to share on social media.
Content creators, social media marketers, and digital marketing agencies who regularly produce and repurpose video content for online platforms.
Unique Features
The product's unique feature is its ability to automatically identify and curate highlights from long videos, making the creation of viral shorts efficient and streamlined.
User Comments
User comments on this product are not available as of the provided information.
No specific traction metrics such as number of users, revenue, or financing information have been provided in the information available.
Market Size
The global digital video content market is expected to reach $125 billion by 2025.

Post Perfect

Content automation for Discord communities
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Discord community managers struggle to consistently find and share trending stories that align with their community's interests, leading to decreased engagement and growth.
Post Perfect is an AI platform that automates Discord content workflow by scanning the web for trending stories tailored to a community's interests, and delivering a ready-to-post digest daily, with customizable style, tone, and schedule settings.
The primary users of Post Perfect are Discord community managers and social media managers looking to enhance engagement by delivering consistent, relevant content.
Unique Features
Customizable content style and tone, daily delivery of ready-to-post content digest, and web scanning for community-relevant trending stories.
User Comments
Users appreciate the time-saving aspects of automated content creation.
The customization options for style and tone are highly praised.
Improvements in community engagement have been noted.
Some users express a desire for broader content sources.
There's interest in further refining the relevancy of the content.
Product version not specified, no concrete traction data available such as number of users, MRR, or financing information.
Market Size
The global social media management market size is $14.5 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 23.6%.