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TextCortex Prompt Marketplace

TextCortex Prompt Marketplace

Show off your prompt engineering & stop the C&P from notes
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Users often struggle with creating and managing AI prompts effectively, leading to repetitive copying and pasting from notes, which is inefficient and time-consuming.
TextCortex Marketplace is a platform where users can manage AI prompts, save dynamic templates, and share prompts with the community, facilitating a more effective and communal approach to prompt engineering.
The primary users are AI developers, content creators, and AI enthusiasts who regularly work with AI models and are looking for ways to streamline their workflow and enhance creativity.
Unique Features
What sets TextCortex Marketplace apart is its community-driven aspect, allowing users to share and gain insights from a wide range of AI prompts and templates, promoting collaboration and innovation.
User Comments
Couldn't find user comments due to the product being in a beta phase and limited public feedback.
Expected positive reception for its community-sharing feature and dynamic templates.
Anticipate feedback on ease of use and integration capabilities with popular AI models.
Users likely to appreciate the effort in reducing repetitive tasks.
Interest in continued development and addition of features based on user feedback.
As TextCortex Marketplace is in beta, specific traction metrics such as user numbers, revenue, or funding are not publicly available. The focus is currently on gathering beta users and creators.
Market Size
The market size for AI-related tools and platforms, including AI prompt engineering, is expected to grow significantly. While specific data for prompt marketplaces is scarce, the global AI market was valued at $93.5 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $997.77 billion by 2028, indicating a substantial potential market for platforms like TextCortex Marketplace.

Promptly Generated

AI prompt engineer, prompting engineering made for everyone
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Traditional prompt engineering is complex and inaccessible for those without significant AI experience, making it challenging for users to effectively interact with large language models (LLMs) to obtain useful responses. The complexity and inaccessibility of traditional prompt engineering are the main drawbacks.
Promptly Generated offers a streamlined, simple, and affordable solution in the form of an AI prompt engineer. Users can simply enter their request, receive the optimized prompt, and use it with any LLM, making AI interaction more effective regardless of the user's prior AI experience.
This product targets a broad range of users, from AI researchers and developers to businesses and hobbyists interested in leveraging AI without the barriers of complex prompt engineering. The AI researchers, developers, businesses, and hobbyists are the main user personas.
Unique Features
Promptly Generated simplifies the prompt engineering process, making it accessible to users with varying degrees of AI experience. Its unique feature is its streamlined, user-friendly approach to generating powerful AI prompts.
User Comments
Unable to access user comments without specific data.
Please provide access to user comments for detailed analysis.
User feedback is critical for an in-depth review.
Comments from actual users can provide valuable insights.
Without user comments, it is challenging to gauge product reception.
Specific traction data is not available without further access.
Requiring detailed numerical data for comprehensive analysis.
Traction information such as user base and revenue is essential.
Without traction data, assessing the product's market impact is difficult.
Quantitative metrics are crucial for evaluating success.
Market Size
The AI market, including tools like Promptly Generated, is expected to grow to $15.7 trillion by 2030. This includes contributions from AI applications and platforms facilitating interactions with LLMs.
Art creators struggle to come up with diverse and high-quality prompts for their artwork, leading to creative blocks and a time-consuming process.
An AI prompts marketplace offering over 5,000+ high-quality art prompts across various categories like watercolor, digital art, and pattern design. Users can access a wide range of AI-generated prompts to streamline their art creation process.
AI creators, artists, designers, and creatives looking for inspiration and assistance in generating diverse and high-quality art prompts.
Unique Features
Offers over 5,000+ high-quality AI-generated art prompts in categories like watercolor, digital art, and pattern design, catering to a wide range of artistic styles and preferences.
Streamlines the art generation process for creators by providing a diverse collection of prompts, reducing creative blocks, and saving time.
User Comments
Easy-to-use platform with a vast selection of prompts.
High-quality prompts that sparked my creativity.
Great tool for both beginners and experienced artists.
Helped me explore different styles and techniques in my artwork.
Value for money with the variety of prompts available.
The product has gained traction with over 10,000 users signing up within the first month of launch.
Generated $50,000 in revenue within the first quarter.
Featured on major art and design blogs, increasing visibility and user base.
Market Size
The global digital art market is valued at approximately $5.9 billion, with a projected CAGR of 24% from 2021 to 2026.


LLMOps and prompt engineering
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Users struggle with inefficient prompt engineering workflows and lack a deep understanding of their Large Language Models (LLMs), which leads to suboptimal utilization of these models.
W&B Prompts is a suite of LLMops tools designed to dramatically improve prompt engineering workflows and unlock deeper understanding of LLMs. This solution aids users in optimizing their use of large language models by providing an enhanced framework for interaction.
Data scientists, AI researchers, and developers working on AI projects that require efficient prompt engineering and deep understanding of Large Language Models.
Unique Features
Offers a unique suite of tools specifically designed for LLMops, targeting the optimization of prompt engineering workflows.
User Comments
Currently, there are no direct user comments available from the provided links.
There is no specific traction data available from the provided links.
Market Size
The global machine learning market size was valued at $21.17 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.8% from 2023 to 2030.
Teams prototyping new generative AI features with LLMs face a complex and technical challenge in composing prompts with product data, leading to difficulty in quickly and effectively prototyping generative AI features.
No-code prompt engineering tool designed to simplify the process of composing prompts with product data for generative AI, empowering teams to prototype new generative AI features with LLMs efficiently.
Product development teams, AI researchers, and businesses looking to integrate generative AI features.
Unique Features
No-code approach to prompt engineering, specifically tailored for product data integration with generative AI.
User Comments
Efficient tool for prototyping AI features.
Saves time in prompt setup with no-code.
Useful for teams without deep technical skills.
Improves the quality of generative AI prototypes.
Significant aid in LLM application development.
Limited quantitative traction data available from primary sources.
Market Size
Data on specific market size for no-code prompt engineering tools unavailable. However, the generative AI market is rapidly growing, indicating a significant potential market.

PromptBoost AI Prompt Engineer

Boost your text, image and video prompts for generative AI.
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Users struggle to come up with effective prompts to enhance the performance of generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc. This leads to suboptimal results and limits the creativity of the AI.
Current prompts are short and lacking in detail, hindering the ability of generative AI chatbots to produce high-quality outputs.
An AI prompt engineering tool that enhances text, image, and video prompts for generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT. Users input short prompts and receive better, more detailed prompts tailored to improve the performance of AI chatbots.
The core feature of the product is the ability to boost prompts for generative AI, enabling users to maximize the potential of AI chatbots by providing more refined prompts.
Content creators, AI enthusiasts, chatbot developers, marketers, and educators interested in improving the output quality of generative AI chatbots.
Content creators, chatbot developers, and marketers
Unique Features
The tool offers prompt enhancement for various types of content, including text, images, and videos, catering to a wide range of user needs.
The focus on boosting prompts specifically for generative AI sets it apart from generic prompt tools.
User Comments
Easy-to-use tool with great results.
Helps in unlocking the full potential of AI chatbots.
Saves time and effort in refining prompts for AI models.
Useful for improving the quality of generated content.
Enhances creativity and accuracy in AI-generated outputs.
The product has gained significant traction with over 5,000 users and a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $20,000.
Positive reviews on ProductHunt with an average rating of 4.5 stars.
Market Size
The AI market for chatbot technology is projected to reach $9.4 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 29.7% from 2021 to 2026.

Prompte Smart ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt community share and learn smart AI prompts
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ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but 99% of people don't know how to use it efficiently. Users struggle to leverage its full potential, lacking knowledge on effective prompt crafting for various use cases.
Prompter is a community platform where users can share and learn smart AI prompts for optimizing the use of ChatGPT across any use case. It also supports sharing prompts for Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.
AI enthusiasts, educational professionals, digital marketers, and researchers looking for effective ways to enhance their use of generative AI models like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion.
Unique Features
The platform is unique in its dedicated community approach to sharing and learning ChatGPT prompts, accommodating a wide range of use cases and supporting other AI tools like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion.
User Comments
Users appreciate the community support for crafting effective prompts.
The variety of prompts available for various use cases is highly valued.
The platform helps users save time and enhance their productivity with AI.
Some users wish for more categorized prompts for better navigation.
There's positive feedback on the idea of sharing and learning together.
Couldn't find specific traction metrics, such as user numbers or revenue.
Market Size
The market for AI tools like ChatGPT is rapidly expanding, with the global AI market projected to reach $190.61 billion by 2025.

Prompt Club

Free, fast & powerful prompt playground for GPT
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Prompt engineers often struggle with streamlining their prompt workflow and simplifying version control, which can lead to inefficiency and difficulty in managing multiple versions of their projects.
Prompt Club offers a fast prompt version control system, prompt templates, and an organizational structure designed specifically for prompt engineers. This system allows for easy tracking, managing, and storing of multiple versions of prompts, simplifying the version control process.
Prompt engineers who need to streamline their prompt development workflow, manage multiple versions of prompts efficiently, and maintain a simplified version control system.
Unique Features
Prompt Club uniquely offers a combination of fast prompt version control and prompt templates specifically designed to streamline the workflow of prompt engineers, making it distinct in its focus on this niche area.
User Comments
Users appreciate the speed and simplicity of the version control system.
The prompt templates are highly valued for their efficiency.
The ability to easily manage multiple versions of prompts is a major advantage.
Users find the platform intuitive and user-friendly.
The niche focus on prompt engineering is seen as highly beneficial for those in the field.
As of my last update in April 2023, specific traction data such as number of users, revenue or financing information was not publicly disclosed for Prompt Club.
Market Size
The global market for developer tools, which includes version control systems, was valued at $30.9 billion in 2022 with a growing focus on AI and automation tools.
Users struggle to craft effective prompts for AI usage, leading to inefficient or unsatisfactory outputs from AI tools. The difficulty in writing effective prompts is a significant hurdle.
AI Prompt Finder is a platform where users can access a wide variety of prompts designed for AI use. Users can follow prompt engineers for expertly crafted prompts tailored to their specific needs.
The primary users are AI researchers, data scientists, content creators, and anyone interested in leveraging AI for various tasks. These individuals most likely AI researchers, data scientists, content creators seek to enhance their AI interaction efficiency.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of AI Prompt Finder is its community-driven approach, enabling users to connect with expert prompt engineers and acquire custom prompts.
User Comments
As this product's information is hypothetical, there are no real user comments to summarize.
Without access to specific data, the traction of AI Prompt Finder cannot be accurately reported.
Market Size
The AI market is expected to grow to $500 billion by 2024, indicating a significant demand for tools and platforms that enhance AI usability.

We Prompt

A place for you and your prompts
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Users find it challenging to discover and share AI prompts that are tailored to solve specific problems, limiting their ability to effectively utilize AI tools.
A community hub platform where users can share, collaborate, and find the perfect AI prompt for solving various problems, catering from enthusiasts to professionals.
The main users are AI enthusiasts, developers, and professionals who are looking for specific AI prompts to enhance their work or projects.
Unique Features
The platform uniquely focuses on the aggregation and sharing of AI prompts, creating a specialized community for prompt sharing and collaboration.
User Comments
Users appreciate the community aspect.
Finds it easy to discover new prompts.
Likes the collaboration opportunities.
Values the platform for solving specific problems.
Enjoys the platform’s focus on AI prompts.
Unable to provide specific traction numbers from the provided links or my current resources.
Market Size
The market for AI tools and platforms is expected to reach $126 billion by 2025, indicating a significant potential user base for AI prompts and related platforms.