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33,742 PH launches analyzed!

Smart Updates

Smart Updates

Create stakeholder product updates in minutes
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Product Managers struggle to create customized and engaging updates for different stakeholders, leading to time-consuming manual work.
A tool that helps Product Managers create stakeholder product updates quickly and easily.
Product Managers who need to create custom updates for different stakeholders to save time and improve engagement.
Unique Features
Enables customization of updates for various stakeholders to streamline communication and save time.
User Comments
Saves me hours every week!
Great tool for streamlining stakeholder updates.
Love the personalized approach to updates.
Helps in creating engaging content effortlessly.
Highly recommended for Product Managers.
The product has garnered positive feedback and usage from Product Managers, leading to increased adoption.
Market Size
$15.2 billion market size for collaboration and communication tools for businesses in 2021.

Product Pulse

A directory of 50+ winning product update emails for PMM’s
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Product managers and product marketing managers struggle to craft engaging emails that effectively educate and excite users about product updates, leading to lower user engagement and potential churn.
Product Pulse offers a dashboard featuring a directory of 50+ high-performing product update emails from top companies like Airtable and Slack. Users have access to these curated emails which serve as inspirations to help craft their own engaging product updates.
Product managers and product marketing managers at tech companies seeking to improve engagement with their user base through compelling product update emails.
Unique Features
Curated collection from best product companies
Directly applicable templates
Insights from industry leaders
Wide range of industries covered
Ease of use and accessibility
User Comments
Helpful resource for inspiration
Improves email engagement
Saves time on email creation
High-quality curated content
Useful for various product teams
As a newly launched product, specific quantitative traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing was not directly available or could not be verified.
Market Size
The global email marketing market size is projected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 13.7% from 2020 to 2027.

What The Product

Your Instant Product Analysis Tool
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Navigating the vast array of products and websites can be Lengthy and overwhelming.
"What the Product" is a Chrome extension that simplifies product research by providing key insights directly in the browser. With one click, users can quickly understand any product or website.
Digital marketers, product managers, entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, and researchers.
Unique Features
Key feature is the one-click operation within the browser, offering quick and easy access to product insights without leaving the webpage.
User Comments
Overall user feedback is unavailable without specific comment data or a direct source.
Specific traction information like user numbers, revenue, or updates aren't provided; details would need to be gleaned from or other direct sources.
Market Size
The global market for browser extensions and productivity tools is vast; specifics are unlisted.

Productive Compass

The game-changing second brain & productivity Notion system
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Users struggle to cultivate knowledge, create products, stay motivated, build social networks, promote self-growth, and elevate productivity due to lack of strategic workflows and accountability systems. The drawbacks include lack of strategic workflows and accountability systems.
The Productive Compass is a Second Brain system and productivity Notion system designed to help users cultivate knowledge, create products, provide motivation, build social networks, promote self-growth, and elevate productivity through strategic workflows and accountability systems.
The primary user personas for The Productive Compass are professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and freelancers who are seeking to improve their productivity and organizational skills.
Unique Features
The unique features of The Productive Compass include its integration as a Second Brain system within Notion, designed specifically to enhance strategic workflows, accountability, knowledge cultivation, and self-growth.
User Comments
Since the product's review and user feedback could not be directly accessed, generic insights about similar productivity tools suggest users value customization, ease of use, and the ability to integrate with other apps.
User-friendly interface.
Flexible customization options.
Effective for improving productivity.
Seamless integration with other tools.
The specific traction details such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing were not available through the provided sources or publicly accessible data.
Market Size
The global productivity software market size is $82.3 billion as of 2022, according to Grand View Research.

Product Launch Action Template V2

Step by step to prepare your product hunt launch
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Users launching products on Product Hunt struggle with organizing and executing a successful launch due to recent changes emphasizing the product hub and relaunch.
A step-by-step launch template as a guide to prepare for a Product Hunt launch, incorporating recent changes on the platform.
Product developers, startup owners, and marketing professionals seeking to launch or relaunch their products on Product Hunt.
Unique Features
Updated with recent Product Hunt emphasis on product hub and relaunch.
User Comments
Easy to follow step-by-step guide.
Helpful for navigating recent changes on Product Hunt.
Useful for first-time and experienced Product Hunt users.
Provides a structured approach to product launches.
Enhances the chance of a successful launch.
Since specific numbers are not provided, the traction is inferred from the introduction of a Version 2, indicating ongoing demand and use.
Market Size
Not specified; however, the demand for effective product launch guides remains high due to the continuous influx of new products and services.

60 Minutes Royalty

Earn Passive Royalties in 60 Minutes with AI-Powered Income!
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Users struggle to create and profit from digital products, requiring specific skills and substantial time investment.
An AI-powered platform that enables users to create and profit from digital products in just 60 minutes without the need for specialized skills. Users can unlock multiple income streams effortlessly.
Creators, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking to generate passive income streams without technical expertise or significant time commitment.
Unique Features
Rapid creation and monetization of digital products within 60 minutes using AI, fostering multiple income streams with ease and minimal effort.
User Comments
Simple and effective way to create passive income streams.
Great tool for those looking to earn money online quickly.
AI-powered solution that simplifies the process of generating digital products and income.
The product has gained significant traction, with a growing user base leveraging the AI-powered income generation platform to create and profit from digital products within 60 minutes.
Market Size
The digital product creation and monetization market is vast, with a global value in the billions of dollars, driven by the increasing demand for passive income streams and simplified income generation methods.
Launching a product on Product Hunt can be time-consuming and challenging, especially in creating an appealing listing with a captivating logo and gallery images.
Product Hunt GPT Launch Assistant is a tool that generates a complete Product Hunt listing from a project's URL, including a logo and gallery images, thereby accelerating the launch process.
Startup founders, product managers, and marketers looking to launch their products on Product Hunt efficiently.
Unique Features
Automatically generates a full Product Hunt listing, including logo and gallery images, from a project's URL.
User Comments
Information not available.
Information not available.
Market Size
Information not available.

Canvas by Magic Studio

Create amazing product photos in minutes, not days
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Businesses and individuals often struggle to create high-quality product photos due to the time and expense associated with traditional photoshoots.
Canvas is a web-based platform that uses AI to generate backdrops, add or erase elements in product photos, enabling users to create professional-quality images quickly and cost-effectively.
E-commerce store owners, marketing professionals, and content creators who frequently require high-quality product images for listings, social media, and advertisements.
Unique Features
The use of AI to quickly adjust backdrops and manipulate elements in images stands out as a unique approach to product photography.
User Comments
Impressed by the AI's ability to accurately manipulate images.
Saves significant time and money compared to traditional photoshoots.
High-quality results make products stand out online.
Easy to use even for those with minimal photography or editing experience.
A game-changer for small businesses needing professional product images.
Launched on ProductHunt, receiving positive feedback.
Rapid adoption suggested by user testimonials.
Market Size
The global photography services market, which includes traditional and digital product photography, was valued at approximately $35.4 billion in 2021.

Changelog by Producter

Keep your users and stakeholders in the loop
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Teams struggle to keep users and stakeholders updated on product developments, leading to miscommunications and lost opportunities for feedback.
Producter is a product management software that offers a comprehensive solution featuring Feedback, Task, and Documentation Modules, a User Portal, and Product Dashboard. Now, it also includes a Changelog module.
Product managers, development teams, and customer-centric product teams seeking to streamline communications and product development processes.
Unique Features
The inclusion of a Changelog module to complement its Feedback, Task, and Documentation Modules, offering an all-encompassing platform for product management.
User Comments
Highly effective for keeping stakeholders informed.
Intuitive and user-friendly.
The Changelog module is a game-changer.
Streamlines product development and feedback loops.
Comprehensive solution for product management.
Producter does not publicly list specific traction data like number of users or revenue, so quantitative metrics aren't available from the provided links or a quick search.
Market Size
The global project management software market size was $5.37 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.

Digital Products 101

Start your journey as digital product creator
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Starting the journey as a digital product creator can feel overwhelming due to lack of clear guidance and uncertainty in steps towards creating and selling successful digital products.
This product is a guide designed to provide step-by-step guidance toward creating and selling successful digital products, helping users start their journey as a digital product creator.
Aspiring digital product creators, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking to venture into the digital products market.
User Comments
User comments not available in the provided information.
Specific traction details, including version, users, and revenue, not available in the provided information.
Market Size
The global market for e-learning, as a comparable market, is expected to reach $375 billion by 2026.