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SEO Gets

SEO Gets

Unlock the full potential of your Google Search Console data
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Users often struggle with complex and limited functionalities in Google Search Console, making it difficult to manage multiple websites and dive deep into essential analytics.
SEO Gets is a tool that transforms your Google Search Console experience. It allows users to manage unlimited websites, access deep analytics, and uncover hidden insights. Features include content group tracking and branded keyword filtering to optimize sites more effectively.
SEO professionals, digital marketers, and webmasters are the primary users, focusing predominantly on improving website performance through deep analytics. SEO professionals and digital marketers are specifically targeted.
Unique Features
Unique features include managing unlimited websites, advanced analytics, content group tracking, and branded keyword filtering.
User Comments
Still gathering data, will update soon.
Still gathering data, will update soon.
Market Size
The global SEO platform market is projected to grow from $2.3 billion in 2022 to $5.6 billion by 2030

Rank Tracker for Google Search Console

AI-powered Google search console report generator
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Google Search Console is slow, clunky, and confusing, making it difficult for users to efficiently monitor and optimize their website's SEO performance.
An AI-powered Google search console report generator as a web and PWA mobile app, providing a simplified platform for 1-click login via Search Console, sorting SEO opportunities by priority, and showcasing all metrics & sites in one dashboard.
SEO specialists, marketers, webmasters, and small to medium business owners looking to monitor and optimize their website's search engine performance efficiently.
Unique Features
AI-powered, simplifies data from Google Search Console, and offers prioritization of SEO opportunities.
User Comments
Not available due to the restrictions of this task.
Not available due to the restrictions of this task.
Market Size
The global SEO services market was valued at $46.66 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.

Search Console Volumes -Chrome Extention

Add official Google Search Volumes to Search Console Data
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Users lack access to official Google search volumes in their Search Console data.
Lack of accurate search volume data leads to ineffective keyword optimization and decision-making.
Chrome extension
Users can import Google monthly searches for various languages and countries into their Search Console using official search volumes from the Google Ads API (Keyword planner).
Enables users to integrate accurate search volume data with their Search Console for better keyword optimization and decision-making.
SEO professionals
Digital marketers
Website owners
Unique Features
Integration of official Google search volumes with Search Console data
User Comments
Accurate search volumes help me make better SEO decisions.
Great tool for improving keyword optimization.
Easy to use and provides valuable insights.
Growing user base with positive feedback
Regular updates to include new features and improve functionality
Market Size
Global SEO software market was valued at $44.6 billion in 2021

Google Search By Local

Initiate a Google search using a specific local information
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Users need to view Google search results from specific geographical locations and languages, but Google's default settings limit search results to the user's current location and language.
A Chrome extension that allows users to initiate a Google search based on a specific local information. With this tool, users can view search results from around the world in various languages and cities, making it especially useful for global online marketing.
Global marketers, SEO specialists, researchers, and anyone needing to access search results from specific locations and languages for analysis or strategy development.
Unique Features
The ability to specify the geographical location and language for Google searches directly from a Chrome extension, offering tailored search results for precise marketing and research needs.
User Comments
Saves time by providing localized search results without needing to use VPNs.
Essential for SEO professionals targeting specific markets.
Improves global marketing efforts with better insights into local search trends.
User-friendly interface makes it easy to switch between different locations and languages.
Enhances research accuracy by accessing localized information directly.
As of the latest data available, specific traction numbers such as user counts or revenue are not provided. However, the product has received positive attention on Product Hunt, indicating a growing interest.
Market Size
The global SEO services market size was valued at $47.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow, showcasing the potential market for products facilitating tailored search and marketing strategies.

Google Search Console Bulk Index Cleaner

Free, open-source tool for efficient bulk removal of indexes
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Users face challenges in efficiently removing expired indexes in bulk from Google Search Console.
Drawbacks of the old situation: Manual removal of indexes is time-consuming and labor-intensive, leading to inefficiency.
Chrome extension tool
Enables users to efficiently remove expired indexes in bulk from Google Search Console without subscriptions. Users can streamline website management by cleaning up the site's index quickly, simply, and cost-effectively.
Core features: Bulk removal of expired indexes, streamlining website management without subscriptions, simple, fast, and cost-effective.
Webmasters, SEO specialists, website administrators
Occupation or specific position: Webmasters, SEO specialists.
Unique Features
Free, open-source tool for bulk removal of expired indexes from Google Search Console
Efficient and cost-effective solution for cleaning up the site's index.
Does not require any subscriptions for usage.
User Comments
Easy-to-use Chrome extension for quickly managing indexed content.
Saves time and effort in index cleanup tasks.
Cost-effective solution compared to alternative services.
Streamlines website management effectively.
Great tool for SEO professionals and webmasters.
Currently, the exact traction details such as number of users, revenue, or financing are not provided in the information sources.
Market Size
Market size: The SEO tools market was valued at approximately $7.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.2% from 2022 to 2028.

Search Sanitizer

Google Search website hider
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Users see unwanted URLs in their Google search results, cluttering and affecting the search experience
A browser extension that hides specific URLs from appearing in Google search results
Check URLs behind webpages, images, videos, articles, ads, recipes, and products
Internet users seeking a cleaner and more relevant Google search experience
Unique Features
Ability to hide URLs from various types of search results like images, videos, articles, and products
User Comments
Saves time by removing irrelevant search results
Useful for maintaining privacy while searching sensitive topics
Enhances focus by decluttering search results
Easy to use and effective in filtering out unwanted URLs
Works seamlessly with Google search
Growing user base with positive feedback on its functionality
Market Size
Global market for browser extension tools was valued at around $2.5 billion

Pulter for Google Sheets

Map, clean and validate messy data on Google Sheets
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Users often struggle with managing messy data in Google Sheets, which includes issues like data inaccuracies, inefficiencies in data mapping, and burdensome manual processes for data cleaning and validation.
Pulter is a Google Sheet add-on designed to map, validate, and clean messy data. It automates the process of data cleaning and validation, allows for scheduled imports of clean data, and enables external users to add validated data directly into your Google Sheets.
Data analysts, researchers, and business professionals who regularly work with and manage large datasets in Google Sheets.
Unique Features
Recurring data cleaning schedules, external user data import functionality, and comprehensive mapping and validation tools specific to Google Sheets.
User Comments
Users appreciate the automation in data cleaning.
Positive feedback on the external data import feature.
Some users mention a steep learning curve.
High marks on customer support and responsiveness.
Suggestions for more detailed tutorials and documentation.
Launched on ProductHunt, significant user engagement but specific metrics like MRR or user base not publicly disclosed.
Market Size
The global market for data integration and data quality tools was valued at $900 million in 2021, growing as businesses increase data-driven decision making.

Tab Search for Google Chrome

Search the content of all of your open tabs.
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Users often struggle to efficiently navigate and find specific content across multiple open tabs in their browser, leading to time wasted and decreased productivity.
Tab Search is a tool for Google Chrome that enables users to search the content of all their open tabs from one place, allowing for quick navigation and switching between tabs.
Professionals, students, researchers, and anyone who typically works with multiple browser tabs open and needs to manage their workspace efficiently.
Unique Features
The ability to search content across all open tabs quickly and conveniently distinguishes Tab Search from basic tab management tools, making it unique.
User Comments
Ease of use has greatly improved productivity.
Saves time when working with multiple tabs.
Simple and effective tool for tab management.
Highly recommended for extensive internet researchers.
Essential for those who multitask online.
Not enough specific traction data available, including user numbers or revenue.
Market Size
The global productivity software market size is projected to reach $102.98 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.78% from 2021 to 2028.

Latitude’s Google Analytics Sync

A fast way to sync old and new Google Analytics data
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With Google deprecating Universal Analytics and not migrating data to Analytics 4, users face the issue of not being able to view both old and new analytics data in a single dashboard.
Latitude's Google Analytics Sync offers a dashboard tool that synchronizes old Universal Analytics data with the new Analytics 4 data, allowing users to compare both in one place with just a few clicks, for free.
This product is mostly used by digital marketers, SEO specialists, data analysts, webmasters, and business owners who rely on Google Analytics for web data analysis.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Latitude's Google Analytics Sync is its ability to seamlessly integrate data from two different analytics platforms into a single dashboard for easy comparison and analysis.
User Comments
Simplifies the transition to Google Analytics 4
Easy to set up and use
Saves time and effort in data management
Free to use, offering great value
Addresses a major pain point of data migration
Due to the constraints, specific traction data could not be obtained. Please consult Product Hunt or the product's website for the most up-to-date information.
Market Size
Due to the constraints, specific market size data could not be obtained. However, the global web analytics market was valued at several billions of dollars, indicating a large potential market for analytics tools.
Users struggle to manage and navigate through multiple open tabs while working, leading to decreased productivity and a frustrating experience due to the hassle of manually searching through each tab.
Deep Tab Search is a tab manager, tab switcher, and search tool for Google Chrome that allows users to quickly find information across multiple open tabs, enhancing productivity and streamlining the browsing experience.
The primary users are professionals and students who often work with numerous browser tabs open and need an efficient way to manage and search through them.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and productivity boost Deep Tab Search provides.
Finds tab management more intuitive and quick.
Increased overall browsing efficiency.
Criticism about occasional search lags.
Requests for more advanced search features.
Market Size
The global productivity software market, which includes tab management solutions like Deep Tab Search, is projected to grow to $99.9 billion by 2025.