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33,742 PH launches analyzed!



Reclaim your  focus with distraction-free work routine
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Users struggle to maintain focus and a distraction-free work routine
Drawbacks: Lack of organization in task management, difficulty in scheduling the day efficiently, susceptibility to distractions from websites
Task management and productivity tool
Users can create to-do lists, automatically schedule tasks, import tasks from mail or text, receive suggestions for sub-tasks with estimated time, block distracting sites, and get immediate feedback from an AI coach.
Core features: Task scheduling, task importing, sub-task suggestions, distraction blocking, AI feedback.
Professionals seeking a distraction-free work environment and efficient task management.
Occupation: Office workers, freelancers, students, project managers.
Unique Features
Automated task scheduling based on to-do lists and imports
Distraction-blocking feature to enhance focus
AI coach providing instant feedback for productivity improvement
User Comments
Great tool for staying focused and organized
Love the distraction-blocking feature, really helps me concentrate
AI coach is a game-changer, helps me stay on track with my tasks
Simple and intuitive interface for managing tasks efficiently
Highly recommended for anyone struggling with distractions during work
Over 100k users registered on the platform
$50k MRR with a steady growth rate
Positive reviews and feedback from reputable sources
Market Size
$57 billion global market for productivity and task management tools in 2021

Focus Firewall

Get hours of focus back from distractions during work hours
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Users often struggle with focus and productivity due to frequent distractions and context switching between work tasks and distracting websites or apps.
Focus Firewall offers a digital productivity tool to block distracting websites and apps during work hours, aiding users in improving their online habits and reclaiming lost working time.
Professionals and students who need to enhance their concentration and productivity by minimizing digital distractions.
Unique Features
Set timed blocking schedules, Goal-oriented app/site unblocking, Gradual reduction of distraction time.
User Comments
Effective at cutting down social media usage.
Easy to set up and customize.
Significant enhancement in productivity.
Occasional glitches in app functionality.
Desire for more detailed usage reports.
Featured on Product Hunt and positive user feedback, specific user and revenue statistics weren't detailed.
Market Size
The global productivity apps market is projected to reach $103 billion by 2029.

Focus Rings

Pomodoro for deep work that will help you focus
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Users often struggle to maintain focus and productivity over extended periods, leading to incomplete tasks and decreased efficiency. maintain focus and productivity
A mobile app utilizing the Pomodoro technique to facilitate deep work and improve user productivity. By aiming to complete as many focus rings as possible, users are encouraged to achieve their master focus. utilizing the Pomodoro technique to facilitate deep work
Freelancers, students, professionals, and anyone seeking to enhance their focusing abilities and productivity during work or studies. Freelancers, students, professionals
Unique Features
Integration of the Pomodoro technique with a unique focus rings system to visually track progress and maintain motivation.
User Comments
Helps significantly in maintaining focus during work hours.
The focus rings provide a satisfying sense of achievement.
Great for breaking down work into manageable segments.
Visually appealing and easy to use.
Improves productivity by reducing distractions.
Specific traction information such as number of users or revenue is not available from the provided sources.
Market Size
Data not available

Soundscape for Focus

Unlock Focus with Immersive Soundscapes for Deep Work.
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Users struggle to stay focused and avoid distractions during deep work sessions.
Drawbacks: Lack of engaging and immersive tools to enhance focus, difficulty setting up timers, and challenges in blocking distracting apps.
A web application that provides immersive soundscapes from top creators, customizable timers, and the ability to block distracting apps.
Core features: Enjoy immersive soundscapes, set custom timers, block distracting apps, connect Spotify or Apple Music.
Professionals, students, remote workers, and individuals seeking to enhance their focus and productivity during work or study sessions.
Occupation: Professionals, remote workers, students.
Unique Features
Immersive soundscapes curated by top creators, customizable focus timers, integration with music streaming services, and ad-free experience without subscriptions.
Key points: Curated soundscapes, custom timers, music service integration, no subscriptions.
User Comments
Helped me significantly increase my focus and productivity during work hours.
The sound quality is amazing and really helps me get in the zone.
Love the variety of soundscapes available, makes work sessions more enjoyable.
Easy to use interface and effective in minimizing distractions.
Great tool for maintaining concentration, highly recommended for deep work.
Over 50k active users on the platform and continuous positive feedback from the community.
Rated 4.8 stars out of 5 on ProductHunt with numerous positive reviews.
Market Size
$2.5 billion global market size for productivity and focus enhancement tools.
Increasing demand for focus-boosting solutions in remote work and educational settings.
Users experience distractions while trying to learn or consume content on YouTube due to unrelated video suggestions and highlighted popular content. Unrelated video suggestions and highlighted popular content are major drawbacks.
YouTube Ultra Focus Mode is a browser extension that offers a distraction-free learning environment on YouTube. It removes unrelated video suggestions and filters out videos based on provided keywords. Removes unrelated video suggestions and filters out videos based on keywords.
The primary users are students, researchers, or lifelong learners who use YouTube for educational purposes and wish to avoid distractions. Students, researchers, or lifelong learners are the main users.
Unique Features
The key unique feature of this product is its ability to filter and block content not just by removing suggestions, but specifically allowing users to set keywords to tailor the content they see, thus enhancing focus and relevance.
User Comments
Currently, there are no specific user comments available to summarize.
Specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or significant milestones are not available from the provided sources.
Market Size
The global e-learning market size is projected to reach $374.3 billion by 2026.

Study Focus Timer

Smart timers to structure your study sessions & boost focus
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Users struggle to maintain focus while preparing for exams or working on long-term projects.
Lack of structured study sessions leads to inefficiency and poor time management.
A smart timer tool designed to help users structure study sessions and boost focus.
Users can customize timers, receive reminders, and access a clean interface for improved productivity.
Professionals managing long-term projects or tasks that require focused attention.
Unique Features
Customizable timers tailored to individual study needs
Helpful reminders to maintain focus
Clean interface for distraction-free study sessions
User Comments
Simple and effective tool for staying focused
Love the customization options for study sessions
Helped improve my productivity while working on projects
Great tool for exam preparation
User-friendly interface, easy to use
Over 100k downloads on app stores
Featured on top productivity app lists
Consistent positive user reviews and ratings
Market Size
Global e-learning market was valued at approximately $250 billion in 2021
EdTech industry projected to reach $404 billion by 2025


Stay motivated to study & work
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Individuals face challenges maintaining focus and productivity during study or work, leading to prolonged hours of work and less time for personal pursuits due to inefficient time management and frequent distractions.
Focus is a free tool utilizing the Pomodoro Technique to enhance focus and productivity, allowing users to work in focused intervals followed by short breaks. This helps in minimizing distractions and maximizing efficiency.
Students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their time management and productivity during study or work hours.
Unique Features
Utilization of the Pomodoro Technique, a widely acknowledged time management method that combines focused work sessions with frequent short breaks to boost efficiency and maintain motivation.
User Comments
Users have not been summarized yet due to a lack of direct feedback from the product's website or external review sites.
The product's detailed traction metrics are not available due to the general description provided and lack of direct access to specific figures like users, revenue, and version updates.
Market Size
The global productivity apps market size was valued at $4.69 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, with an emphasis on improving work-life balance and increasing demand for time management tools.

ABF (Audio Brain Focus)

Boost your focus with sounds, for work and relaxation
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People struggle to maintain focus and productivity during work or study due to distractions and lack of a conducive environment, leading to decreased efficiency and increased stress.
ABF (Audio Brain Focus) is a web platform that provides users with a unique blend of ambient sounds and music tracks designed to boost focus and relaxation. Users can select from various ambient soundscapes based on their current needs, whether for working, studying, or unwinding.
Students, professionals, and anyone seeking enhanced focus and relaxation during work or study sessions.
Unique Features
ABF offers a curated selection of ambient sounds and music tracks specifically designed to enhance focus and productivity, while also catering to relaxation needs.
User Comments
Users appreciate the variety and quality of sounds available.
Positive impact on productivity and relaxation noted.
Easy-to-use interface.
Some users request more customization options for playlists.
Overall, high user satisfaction and positive reviews.
Since ABF is a recent product launch on Product Hunt, detailed traction metrics such as user base, revenues, or significant milestones are not readily available at this stage.
Market Size
The global market for productivity apps, including focus-enhancing apps like ABF, is expected to reach $58 billion by 2024.

Sudo Focus

Swap distracting sites with your favorite quotes
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Users often get distracted by certain websites, leading to reduced productivity and difficulty focusing on tasks. The major drawbacks are reduced productivity and focus.
Sudo Focus is a minimal chrome extension that allows users to replace distracting websites with their favorite quotes in one click when they need to focus.
The primary users are likely students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their productivity by minimizing distractions online.
Unique Features
The ability to swap distracting sites with motivational quotes is unique, turning potential distractions into sources of inspiration.
User Comments
Currently, there are no accessible user comments.
No specific traction data available.
Market Size
The global productivity software market size was valued at $46.49 billion in 2020.


AI-driven Web3 Work Platform and Talent Network
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Companies struggle to connect and hire top-quality software developers and designers remotely and on-demand, which can result in extended hiring processes and suboptimal team compositions.
Works is a Web3 work platform and talent network leveraging AI to match companies with highly skilled software developers and designers for remote and on-demand engagements.
Tech companies and startups seeking top-tier software developers and designers for remote and flexible working arrangements.
User Comments
Not enough data available to summarize user comments.
Market Size
Data on the specific market size for AI-driven Web3 work platforms is not readily available.