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Phaie AI by Creatr

Phaie AI by Creatr

Create/edit your Design Systems and fix files in seconds
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Designers and developers often struggle to maintain consistency and efficiency when creating or editing design systems. They spend significant time manually adjusting colors, typography, and other design elements across multiple files.
Phaie AI is an open-source tool in the form of a Figma plugin. It enables users to generate and fix design systems by using AI to auto-detect and modify design elements like colors, typography, and borders directly within existing Figma files.
The primary users of Phaie AI are graphic designers and product teams working with design systems in tech companies and design agencies.
Unique Features
Phaie AI stands out for its integration with Figma, AI-based automatic adjustments of design elements, and open-source accessibility, providing a collaborative platform for continuous improvement from the design community.
User Comments
Users appreciate the time-saving capabilities of Phaie AI.
Positive feedback on its ease of use within Figma.
Highlighted the accuracy of AI in detecting and adjusting design elements.
Noted improvements in workflow efficiency for product teams.
Some requests for additional features and support for more design tools.
Relatively new on ProductHunt with increasing interest.
Several design teams adopting it in their workflow.
Positive initial feedback and user engagement on the platform.
Developer community contributing to the open-source project.
Potential for growth with expanding features.
Market Size
The global market for design platforms and collaboration tools is expected to reach $20 billion by 2025.

Generate/Edit Design Systems - Phaie

Edit existing design systems & generate new ones in seconds
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Users struggle to manually generate and edit design systems, which is time-consuming and tedious.
Figma plugin tool that generates and fixes design systems in seconds, utilizing AI to detect and change colors, typographies, strokes, border radius, and more.
Designers, UI/UX professionals, graphic artists, and design teams.
Unique Features
AI-powered design system generation in seconds
Ability to edit existing design files efficiently
Figma plugin integration for seamless workflow
User Comments
Saves me so much time!
Incredible tool for design teams
Easy to use and highly effective
Great for maintaining design consistency
AI features are impressive
Over 1,500 upvotes on Product Hunt
Positive user feedback on design communities
Increasing adoption rate among design professionals
Market Size
The global design software market is estimated to reach $6.91 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2020 to 2027.

Design System Checklist

A step-by-step checklist to create a kick-ass design system
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Users face challenges in creating coherent and efficient design systems due to a lack of structured guidance and overlooked components, leading to inconsistent designs and inefficient development workflows. Lack of structured guidance and overlooked components.
The Design System Checklist is a comprehensive tool in the form of a checklist that aids in the creation of design systems. Users can systematically organize and ensure they cover all necessary aspects of design system creation, including design principles, UI components, and documentation, among others. The product also provides a curated list of design and development tools, and product management to-dos. Systematically organize and ensure coverage of all necessary aspects of design system creation.
This product is targeted at UI/UX designers, product managers, and development teams who are involved in the digital product design process and are looking to create or refine their design systems.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of the Design System Checklist is its comprehensive approach, which encompasses not just the visual aspects of a design system but also the tools and processes involved in design and development. It's a one-stop tool for ensuring that all elements of a design system are considered and addressed.
User Comments
It simplifies the design system creation process.
Helps ensure no key components are overlooked.
Provides valuable resources and tool recommendations.
Enhances collaboration among design and development teams.
Streamlines the workflow for creating and managing design systems.
As specific quantitative details about the number of users, MRR/ARR, or financing were not provided, accurate data cannot be sourced without further information or direct access to the product's internal metrics.
Market Size
The global market for design tools and platforms, which includes areas relevant to creating design systems, is expected to grow significantly. While specific data on the market size for design system creation tools is scarce, the broader design software market was valued at over $9 billion in a recent year, indicating a substantial potential market for products like the Design System Checklist.

Design System Concierge

Your AI-powered design system assistant
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Design professionals and developers often struggle to find relevant and accurate information for developing or implementing design systems, leading to wasted time and inefficiency in their workflow. The finding relevant and accurate information is the core issue.
Design System Concierge is a dashboard tool> that leverages AI to offer fast, expert-sourced insights and answers from a vast Design System database. Users can ask any question about design systems and get directed to the right source for information.
The primary users are likely design professionals, front-end developers, and product managers who are actively involved in the creation, implementation, or management of design systems in their projects or organizations.
Unique Features
What sets Design System Concierge apart is its AI-powered engine that sources answers from an expert content only database, providing users with reliable and field-specific insights quickly.
User Comments
Currently, no user comments are available to summarize.
Specific details about product traction such as number of users, MRR, or newly launched features are not available based on the provided information.
Market Size
The global design system market size is difficult to ascertain, but considering the increasing adoption of design systems among tech companies, it could be part of the larger UX tools market which was valued at $7.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow.

Tetrisly Design System

Figma component library, design tokens plugin
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Design teams often face challenges in maintaining consistency and speed in their workflow due to the lack of an integrated system that combines UI components and design tokens. The lack of an integrated system causes inconsistencies in design and slows down the shipping process.
Tetrisly Design System offers a Figma component library and a design tokens plugin, providing an all-in-one ecosystem that integrates UI components with design tokens. This system helps design teams maintain consistency and ship projects faster.
Design teams and individual designers using Figma who need an efficient way to manage design tokens and UI components, aiming for consistency and speed in their design workflow.
Unique Features
Tetrisly Design System's integration of a Figma component library with a design tokens plugin creates a unique, seamless workflow for managing both UI elements and design consistencies.
User Comments
Design team efficiency increased
High-quality UI library
Plug-in simplifies design token management
Significant speed improvement in project deliveries
Awaiting the React library for a complete ecosystem
The specific traction details such as number of users, MRR, or recent feature updates are not provided in the information. Additional research would be required to obtain quantitative traction data.
Market Size
The global design system platforms market is growing, with the UI/UX design market expected to reach $397 billion by 2026, highlighting a significant potential market for products like Tetrisly Design System.

Space Figma Design System and UI Kit

Ultimate Figma design system for SaaS and admin panels
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Designers and developers often spend extensive time creating interfaces for SaaS applications from scratch, leading to increased development time and costs. The drawbacks of the old situation include increased development time and costs.
Space Design is a Figma design system and UI kit that offers pre-designed components and symbols for quick interface creation for SaaS applications. Users can create interfaces using simple drag-and-drop components, ranging from simple to complex products.
The primary users of Space Design are UI/UX designers, frontend developers, and project managers working on SaaS and admin panel projects seeking to streamline their design process.
Unique Features
Space Design's uniqueness lies in its comprehensive library of pre-designed components, tailored specifically for SaaS applications and admin panels, enabling rapid design iteration and consistency.
User Comments
Users appreciate the comprehensive library and the time-saving benefits.
Praises for the system's ease of use and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.
Positive feedback on the design quality and variety of components.
Some users expressed a desire for more customization options.
Feedback highlights its effectiveness in streamlining projects.
Information specific to Space Design's traction such as number of users, MRR, or recent feature updates is not readily available. Consider checking product updates and community engagement on their ProductHunt page and official website for the latest information.
Market Size
The global market for design systems was estimated to be worth $7.8 billion in 2021, with expected growth driven by increasing demand for efficient design and development processes in the SaaS and digital product sector.
Designers and developers often struggle with creating visually appealing and functional user interfaces due to the lack of a unified system, leading to inconsistencies and increased development time. The main drawbacks include lack of a unified system and increased development time.
Practical UI is a Figma design system and UI kit that offers a wide range of design components and tools, all centralized within Figma. This allows users to create accessible and usable designs efficiently. Key features include a comprehensive set of UI components, accessibility features, and usability enhancements.
The primary users are web designers and developers, particularly those engaged in UI/UX design and development who need efficient tools to create consistent and accessible interfaces.
Unique Features
Focus on accessibility and usability, comprehensive integration within Figma, and a wide range of customizable components.
User Comments
Not available
Not enough data available
Market Size
The design system tools market is significant, as emphasized by the proliferation of UI/UX development teams in tech. No specific data available, but the related UX/UI tools market is burgeoning.

Pure Design System

A minimalist design system for SaaS, that comes in 4 flavor
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Users often struggle with creating a visually appealing and consistent design for their SaaS products, which can lead to a less engaging user experience and lower retention rates. The creation of a visually appealing and consistent design is a significant challenge.
Pure Design System offers a hand crafted, minimalist design system specifically for SaaS products, allowing users to get inspired and quickly design their own product. It comes in 4 flavors: Pure, Joy, Dark, and Shine. Users can quickly design their SaaS product with these pre-made design templates that ensure consistency and visual appeal.
Designers, developers, and product managers in the SaaS industry looking to quickly and efficiently design or redesign their product's appearance to improve user engagement and satisfaction.
Unique Features
The product's unique offering is its hand-crafted, minimalist design approach, specifically tailored for the SaaS industry, and the availability of 4 distinct flavors (Pure, Joy, Dark, and Shine) to cater to diverse aesthetic preferences.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of the design templates.
Many mentioned how it accelerates the design process for their SaaS products.
Positive feedback on the variety of 'flavors' available, making it versatile.
Some highlighted the improvement in their product's user engagement after using it.
A few users wished for more customization options within the templates.
Due to limited direct access to the product's specific traction data, detailed numbers like MRR, user count, or financing information are not available. Still, its appearance and upvotes on ProductHunt indicate growing interest and positive reception from the design and development community in the SaaS sector.
Market Size
The global design system tools market is expected to grow significantly, although specific numbers for minimalist SaaS design systems like Pure Design System are not readily available. For context, the broader UI/UX design market was valued at $8 billion in 2021, showcasing the potential market size and growth opportunity for specialized design systems.

Keep Design System

Create beautiful and consistence user interface with ease
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Designers and developers often face difficulties in maintaining design consistency across different parts of a user interface, leading to a disjointed user experience and increased development time due to the need for custom designing blocks and pages.
Keep Design System is a dashboard tool that enables users to create cohesive and visually appealing user interfaces with ease. It offers five outstanding templates with 55+ pages and 200+ unique blocks ready to use. Additionally, a React library is in development to further enhance productivity by streamlining design integration into development workflows.
Web designers, UI/UX designers, front-end developers, and product managers involved in the process of creating or revamping digital products such as websites and applications.
Unique Features
Keep Design System uniquely offers a comprehensive approach to UI design by providing a vast library of ready-to-use templates and blocks, ensuring design consistency. The upcoming React library for easier integration into development projects sets it apart.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity and comprehensiveness of the design system.
The quality and variety of templates and blocks receive high praise.
Excitement about the upcoming React library for easier integration.
Positive feedback on the tool's ability to save time and ensure design consistency.
Some users request more templates and customization options.
Market Size
The global UI/UX market is projected to grow, with the design tool segment expected to be significant. While specific data for Keep Design System's market size is not available, the UX and digital design market is anticipated to reach $20 billion by 2027.
Design teams often struggle with the routine creation, construction, and maintenance of the Design system, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in the design process.
DS BUILD offers a dashboard-based tool for managing the routine creation, construction, and maintenance of the Design system, aligned with metrics to help teams evolve efficiently.
Design teams and organizations looking to establish or maintain a cohesive and efficient design system.
Unique Features
DS BUILD differentiates itself by focusing on design system governance, offering metrics for evolution, and streamlining the maintenance process for design systems.
User Comments
The dedicated landing page or user reviews section for this product was not available at the moment, making it hard to aggregate user opinions.
Specific traction information such as user numbers or financial metrics is not readily available on the product's ProductHunt page or website.
Market Size
The global design software market is expected to reach a size of $15.5 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2021 to 2030.