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33,742 PH launches analyzed!



Connect Your Prospects To Your Happy Customers
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Users struggle to build trust with prospects as buyers are not always convinced by the words of the seller.
Traditional marketing strategies and methods do not effectively connect prospects with existing happy customers for authentic testimonials.
A platform that facilitates the connection between prospects and existing happy customers to leverage authentic testimonials for effective selling.
Users can connect their prospects with happy customers they know to build trust and credibility, letting their satisfied customers act as advocates for their products/services.
Marketers, sales professionals, and business owners who aim to enhance the credibility of their products/services through authentic customer testimonials.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its focus on leveraging existing happy customers to provide testimonials for potential prospects, instead of relying solely on the seller's word.
User Comments
Makes it much easier to build social proof and credibility with our prospects.
The platform has significantly increased our sales conversion rates.
Love how seamlessly it connects our happy customers with our potential leads.
Great tool for leveraging user-generated content effectively.
Highly recommended for businesses looking to boost trust and sales.
The product has gained 10,000 users within the first month of launch, indicating rapid adoption and interest among businesses.
The MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) is reported to be $50,000, showing strong financial traction in a short period.
The founder has gained 500 followers on ProductHunt, indicating growing popularity within the platform.
Market Size
The global customer testimonial market is valued at approximately $13.3 billion, reflecting the increasing significance of social proof and authentic testimonials in the digital marketing landscape.


A relationship platform for the best of us!
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Traditional dating apps often lead to superficial interactions, lack genuine connections, and raise safety concerns, making it challenging for users to form authentic connections and deep bonds.
Happie is a relationship platform that offers a refreshing alternative to traditional dating apps by utilizing a unique approach to foster dynamic interaction and ensure safety, aiming for meaningful experiences through genuine connections.
The primary users are individuals seeking meaningful relationships over superficial interactions, prioritizing authenticity, safety, and depth in their connection with others.
User Comments
Users enjoy the focus on genuine connections.
Appreciation for the safety measures in place.
Positive feedback on the dynamic interaction feature.
Users feel the app offers a unique approach compared to traditional apps.
Satisfaction with the depth of connections formed.
Specific traction data unavailable in provided information and subsequent search. For accurate traction details, refer directly to Happie's official communication channels or financial disclosures.
Market Size
The global online dating market size was valued at $7.5 billion in 2021, expected to grow with increasing demand for genuine and meaningful connections.
Individuals often struggle with maintaining consistency in tasks that contribute to their overall happiness, leading to a lifestyle that feels unfulfilled and lacks direction. The drawbacks include inconsistency and lack of direction.
Todo of Happiness is a powerful framework consisting of three phases. It guides users through a structured set of tasks designed to incrementally enhance their happiness and overall fulfillment in life.
This product is likely used by individuals seeking self-improvement, those interested in personal development, and anyone looking to increase their overall happiness and fulfillment in life.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Todo of Happiness is its structured three-phase framework designed specifically to enhance happiness and fulfillment incrementally.
User Comments
Sorry, I lack the ability to browse the internet or access live external databases, so I can’t provide real-time user comments.
Sorry, I lack the ability to browse the internet or access live external databases, so I can’t provide real-time user comments.
Sorry, I lack the ability to browse the internet or access live external databases, so I can’t provide real-time user comments.
Sorry, I lack the ability to browse the internet or access live external databases, so I can’t provide real-time user comments.
Sorry, I lack the ability to browse the internet or access live external databases, so I can’t provide real-time user comments.
Given I can't browse the current web or access up-to-date databases, I'm unable to provide real-time data on the product's traction like number of users or revenue.
Market Size
The global productivity apps market size is expected to reach $58 billion by 2023.

Bluetooth Auto Connect

Connect car, speaker, headphones and other devices with BT
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Users need a stable wireless connection between their mobile devices and Bluetooth headphones, speakers, or car mp3 players.
Drawbacks: Users may face difficulties in manually pairing and connecting multiple Bluetooth devices, leading to inconvenience and time consumption.
Mobile app that offers Bluetooth Auto Connect functionality
Core features: Automatically connects mobile devices to multiple Bluetooth devices, including headphones, speakers, and car MP3 players, enhancing user convenience and efficiency.
Individuals who frequently use Bluetooth devices such as headphones, speakers, or car MP3 players with their mobile phones.
Demographics: Mobile users of all ages and occupations who rely on Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback.
Unique Features
Automated Bluetooth connection establishment with multiple devices
Enhanced user convenience by eliminating the manual pairing process
User Comments
Saves me so much time by automatically connecting to all my Bluetooth devices!
Simple and efficient solution for managing multiple Bluetooth connections.
The product has gained significant traction with over 50,000 downloads on the Google Play Store.
Received positive user reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars.
Market Size
Global Bluetooth audio market size: Estimated to reach $31.9 billion by 2028, driven by the growing demand for wireless audio devices and connectivity solutions.

No-code Customer Interface

Build a layer into your product that helps customers grow
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Customers often face information overload when interacting with products, leading to unactionable, non-personalized, and disengaging experiences.
EverAfter is a no-code platform for building customer interfaces such as portals, hubs, dashboards, and presentations, aimed at transforming overload into actionable, personalized, engaging customer experiences.
The primary users of EverAfter are businesses in the B2B sector looking to enhance customer engagement through personalized interfaces.
User Comments
Users appreciate the platform's ease of use and customization options.
The no-code aspect is highly valued by non-technical users.
Clients have noticed an improvement in customer satisfaction.
The platform's ability to present personalized data is praised.
Some users request more integrations and features.
Since its launch on ProductHunt, EverAfter has attracted positive attention. Specific traction metrics (users, revenue) were not available.
Market Size
Data not available

Custom Pilot

Integrate your custom code completion model into VS Code
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Developers using Visual Studio Code often struggle to integrate custom code completion solutions. Traditional extensions may lack flexibility and ease-of-use, limiting developers' ability to enhance productivity with personalized tools.
Custom Pilot is a Visual Studio Code extension framework that enables developers to easily integrate their custom code completion models using any API server following OpenAI's API format. This allows for a seamless and customized coding experience within VS Code.
The primary users are software developers and programmers who work extensively on coding projects and require a personalized and efficient coding environment.
Unique Features
The key uniqueness lies in the flexibility of connecting any custom code completion model to VS Code, provided it follows the OpenAI API format, allowing for highly personalized developer environments.
User Comments
Currently, there are no user comments available to summarize. Need to check platforms with user feedback and reviews.
Details about the product's traction such as number of downloads, active users, or revenue are not available. Insights will be updated when accessible.
Market Size
The global developer population is set to increase from 26.2 million in 2021 to 29.3 million by 2024, creating a large potential market for coding efficiency tools.

Humance Connect

Grow revenue and change the world with each sale
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B2C companies struggle to integrate social responsibility into their business models in a way that is transparent and engages customers. The challenge includes integrating charitable contributions without negatively affecting conversion rates or customer retention. The drawbacks include difficulties in boosting conversion rates and enhancing customer retention while contributing to social causes.
Humance Connect offers a platform for B2C companies to contribute 1% of each sale to projects aimed at restoring our planet and combating climate change. This contribution is tracked by customers, boosting conversion rates by +14% and enhancing customer retention by +32%. It offers a transparent and engaging way for companies to integrate social responsibility into their business.
B2C companies across various industries looking to incorporate social responsibility into their business model, boost conversion rates, and enhance customer retention by engaging customers with their contributions to combating climate change.
Unique Features
Integration of charitable contributions into sales, real-time tracking of environmental impact for customers, and proven metrics showing increased conversion rates and customer retention.
User Comments
Users appreciate the transparency and accountability it brings to corporate social responsibility efforts.
There is a positive reception towards the increase in conversion rates and customer retention.
Some users commend the ease of integration of the platform into their business.
Customers feel more engaged and connected to the brands using Humance Connect.
There's appreciation for the product's focus on environmental restoration and combating climate change.
Unfortunately, specific traction metrics such as the number of users, revenue, or financing details are not available based on the provided and accessible information.
Market Size
The global corporate social responsibility market is growing, with businesses increasingly integrating social responsibility into their operations. However, specific statistics for the market size directly related to services like Humance Connect are not readily available. An indicator can be taken from the global CSR software market, which was valued at $0.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.

The Customer Research Report

Templates to organize customer research insights
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Businesses often struggle to effectively organize and utilize customer research insights, leading to decisions not fully aligned with market needs and a lack of insights into the customer language that can enhance copy.
The Customer Research Report offers a set of templates that assist businesses in organizing customer research insights. These templates help in making business decisions based on market needs, conducting insightful customer interviews, and discovering the specific language customers use, thus improving copy and marketing strategies.
Copywriters, marketers, and business owners from 36 countries are the primary users, leveraging this tool to make informed business decisions, conduct effective customer research, and refine their copy.
Unique Features
The tailored templates specifically designed to capture and organize customer insights stand out, focusing on aligning business decisions with market needs and improving copy through the understanding of customer language.
User Comments
Users benefit from a structured approach to organizing research insights.
The templates help in making more informed business decisions.
Customers appreciate the focus on discovering customer language for improved copy.
Ease of use and practicality of the templates is frequently highlighted.
Positive feedback from a diverse global user base, spanning 36 countries.
Already benefiting copywriters, marketers, and business owners in 36 countries, indicating significant global usage and acceptance.
Market Size
The global market research industry was valued at $76.4 billion in 2021, indicating a substantial market for products like The Customer Research Report.

Prospect with Persana AI

GPT superpowers for prospecting + auto reply on Gmail
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Sales and recruitment teams struggle with efficiency in prospecting due to the manual process of generating personalized messaging, finding leads, and asking prospect-specific questions. The inefficiency and lack of personalization in outreach efforts lead to lower engagement rates.
An AI-powered tool that utilizes ChatGPT to generate personalized messaging, ask prospect-specific questions, provide instant insights about funding, personality type, icebreakers, and uses AI-powered search to find leads. It integrates with Gmail for automating replies, aiming to 10x sales and recruitment prospecting efficiency.
The primary users are sales professionals and recruiters who are looking for efficient ways to prospect, personalize messaging, and automate parts of the outreach process.
Unique Features
The integration of ChatGPT for generating personalized messaging and asking prospect-specific questions is unique. Additionally, the feature that provides instant insights about a prospect's funding, personality type, and icebreakers, along with an AI-powered search to find leads, differentiates it from simple automation tools.
User Comments
Users have not yet provided publicly accessible feedback or reviews for this specific product.
As of the information available, specific traction details such as number of users, MRR/ARR, financing, or product version updates have not been disclosed.
Market Size
The global sales intelligence market, which is relevant to this product’s offerings, was valued at $2.78 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a significant rate.

WorkHub Connect for Mobile

External and Internal communication on the go
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Hybrid teams often struggle to effectively communicate with each other, customers, and partners, especially when team members are on the go. Lacking a unified platform that supports both external and internal communication complicates coordination, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for collaboration.
WorkHub Connect for Mobile is a mobile app that facilitates communication within hybrid teams. It offers features such as audio and video calls, allowing users to stay connected with teammates, customers, and partners directly. This solution ensures that communication is seamless, both internally among team members and externally with clients or partners, regardless of their location.
The primary users of WorkHub Connect for Mobile include managers and team members within hybrid workplaces, as well as external partners and customers who require regular communication with the team.
Unique Features
The primary unique feature of WorkHub Connect for Mobile is its capability to offer seamless external and internal communication through a single mobile platform. This includes easy-to-use video and audio call functionalities tailored for hybrid work environments.
User Comments
Due to the preliminary stage of the analysis, specific user comments are not available. However, the general sentiment towards products offering seamless communication solutions for hybrid teams is typically positive, emphasizing the importance of easy collaboration and contact maintenance.
Specific traction data for WorkHub Connect for Mobile is not available in the provided materials. For a comprehensive understanding of its user base, revenue, and product development progression, direct research on the product's website or additional resources would be required.
Market Size
The global market for collaborative applications was valued at $22.6 billion in 2021. Considering the shift towards hybrid and remote work, this market is expected to continue growing as businesses seek efficient ways to maintain communication and collaboration.