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Ko-fi React Library

Ko-fi React Library

Get tips and donations in your React projects
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Users running React projects struggle to incorporate donation and tip collection functionalities seamlessly into their websites, leading to lower opportunities for monetization and support.
A collection of customizable React.js components that enable users to easily integrate donation and tips features into their websites, including a tip button, dialog/modal, floating widget, and donation panel.
Developers working on React projects who want to monetize their websites by accepting donations and tips.
Unique Features
Open-source React.js components specifically designed for donation and tip collection, offering customization options and seamless integration.
User Comments
Easy-to-use React components for accepting tips and donations on websites.
Great collection for developers looking to monetize their React projects.
Simplified the process of adding donation functionality to websites.
Highly customizable and simple to integrate.
A must-have for React developers aiming to generate income through tips.
The product has gained significant traction with positive user feedback and adoption within the React developer community.
Market Size
$2.8 billion was the estimated size of the online fundraising market in 2021, indicating a substantial market demand for donation and tip collection solutions.


Donations with Woocommerce
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Lack of flexibility for customers to make donations on WordPress sites using Woocommerce
Limited options for accepting donations on Woocommerce sites
Plugin form: Woocommerce Donations Plugin
Customers can accept donations on their WordPress sites with flexibility
Customers can easily integrate a donation feature into their Woocommerce sites, providing an option for users to donate effortlessly
WordPress site owners using Woocommerce for their e-commerce needs
E-commerce website owners, fundraisers, charities, and non-profit organizations
Unique Features
Offers flexibility in accepting donations on Woocommerce sites
Easy integration of a donation feature into existing WordPress sites
User Comments
Easy to use and integrate into Woocommerce sites
Great solution for accepting donations online
Flexible settings for customizing donation options
Enhanced user experience for donors
Effective tool for fundraising initiatives
Current version 1.5.0 available on ProductHunt
Gained positive reviews and feedback from users
Increasing user base on Woocommerce platform
Market Size
Online donations are on the rise, with the digital donation market expected to reach $651.1 billion by 2025

Project Plan Generator

Turn your project into an actionable plan
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Creating detailed project plans is time-consuming and requires significant effort, which can lead to delays and a decrease in productivity.
The Project Plan Generator is a tool that generates actionable Project Plans in seconds instead of hours using AI, providing everything needed for a successful project at no cost.
Project managers, team leaders, and entrepreneurs who need efficient planning tools to manage tasks, resources, and timelines.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its AI-driven capability to generate detailed project plans quickly and for free.
User Comments
There is insufficient data to provide user comments at this time.
As of the last update, there's no specific traction data like user count, revenue, or growth metrics provided for the Project Plan Generator.
Market Size
The market for project management software is expected to reach $5.6 billion by 2023.
Designers and enthusiasts face challenges in continuously improving their skills and staying updated with design concepts, leading to stagnant creativity and outdated designs.
A browser extension that delivers daily bite-sized design tips, covering various aspects of design like color theory and layout hacks. This tool enables users to learn new design concepts directly in their browser, thus integrating seamlessly into their daily routine.
Designers, design enthusiasts, and anyone looking to improve their design knowledge and skills.
Unique Features
The integration of daily design tips directly into the browser, making it easy for users to access and learn new design concepts without interrupting their workflow.
User Comments
Users appreciate the convenience of learning directly from their browser.
Highly regarded for its simplicity and ease of use.
Appreciated for covering a wide range of design topics.
Frequent updates are praised for keeping content fresh.
Some users wish for more in-depth explanations on certain tips.
Since the detailed traction data of the product isn't available from provided information or restricted searches, specific numbers regarding users, revenue, or recent updates cannot be provided.
Market Size
The global design market size is hard to define specifically for browser extensions that provide design tips. However, considering the broader e-learning market is projected to reach $375 billion by 2026, there's a significant potential for niche education tools such as this design tip extension.

The new home for React and its documentation
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Developers using the old React documentation faced challenges with outdated content focused on class components instead of modern function components and Hooks, leading to a learning curve for those trying to keep up with React's evolution. The outdated content and lack of modern interactive examples were the main drawbacks.
The new React site ( is an updated documentation platform that teaches modern React, including function components and Hooks. It is enriched with diagrams, illustrations, challenges, and over 600 new interactive examples to aid learning. The solution is in the form of an enhanced educational platform designed to offer a comprehensive and updated learning experience.
The primary users of are React developers, both beginners and experienced, looking to update their skills with the latest React features such as hooks and function components. Additionally, educators and students in the programming and web development field will find it beneficial.
Unique Features's unique offerings include over 600 new interactive examples, extensive use of diagrams and illustrations for better understanding, and a focus on challenges to test knowledge, all centered around modern React development practices.
User Comments
Users have not been analyzed due to lack of access to specific comments.
The traction of has not been specified due to the unavailability of direct access to current metrics such as user numbers or revenue.
Market Size
The exact market size of React developers is challenging to quantify directly. However, as of 2023, the number of JavaScript developers globally, which includes React developers, is estimated to be around 13.8 million.

React Jam

Build a game in 10 days using React, learn and win prizes
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React developers typically focus on mobile and desktop app development, leaving a gap in utilizing React for game development. The challenge is to showcase and expand React devs' skills into game development.
React Jam is an online event where React developers can create a game in 10 days, offering a platform to collaborate, learn, and win prizes. It bridges the gap by encouraging React developers to apply their skills in game development.
React developers interested in exploring game development, seeking to learn new skills, and compete to win prizes.
Unique Features
React Jam uniquely combines the aspects of a hackathon with learning and collaboration opportunities exclusively for React developers venturing into game development.
User Comments
Couldn't find user comments.
Unable to determine traction without real-time access or direct data from React Jam.
Market Size
The global game development software market was valued at $203.9 million in 2020 and is expected to reach $474.8 million by 2030.

Project Profit

Effortlessly track project expenses and revenues
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Tracking project expenses and revenues can be complex and time-consuming. Users often struggle with monitoring all project finances in one place due to lack of integration and user-friendly tools.
Project Profit offers a user-friendly tool for tracking project expenses and revenues. It allows users to effortlessly monitor all project finances in one simple interface.
Project managers, business owners, freelancers, and anyone involved in project-based work looking to simplify their financial tracking process.
Unique Features
The unique selling point of Project Profit is its ability to consolidate project financial management into a single, user-friendly interface, streamlining the monitoring process.
User Comments
Currently, there are no user comments available for analysis.
Specific data on product version, features, user base, revenue, or financing is not provided.
Market Size
The global project management software market size was valued at $5.37 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 10.67% from 2021 to 2028.

Project OS

Project management Notion template for more productivity
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Individuals and teams struggle with project management due to complicated workflows and lack of organization, leading to decreased productivity and inefficient project tracking. The complicated workflows and lack of organization are the main drawbacks.
Project OS is a Notion template designed to simplify project management workflows and boost productivity. Users can organize their projects more effectively, track progress, and collaborate with team members more efficiently.
The primary users of Project OS are project managers, team leaders, and any professionals involved in project planning and execution looking for an organized way to manage projects.
Unique Features
Project OS stands out with its comprehensiveness, ease of use, and integration into Notion, providing a seamless way to manage projects within a familiar environment.
User Comments
Precise user comments on Project OS were not available. Please review the product's page for up-to-date testimonials.
Specific traction data for Project OS such as number of users, MRR, or financing was not available. Please consult the official product's website or contact the developers for detailed information.
Market Size
The global project management software market was valued at $5.37 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing.

10,000+ Side Project Ideas Prompts

Unleash your creativity in side project creation
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Individuals seeking to start a side project often struggle with generating creative and original ideas, leading to inaction or pursuing unoriginal concepts. generating creative and original ideas
This product is a comprehensive collection and offers a bundle of 10,000 side project ideas. It enables users to tap into their creativity and generate new side project ideas easily. offers a bundle of 10,000 side project ideas
Entrepreneurs, developers, designers, and creatives looking for inspiration to kickstart side projects.
Unique Features
The extensive collection of 10,000 unique side project ideas is what makes this product stand out. It's tailored to help individuals overcome the initial hurdle of ideation.
User Comments
Users find the collection vast and inspiring.
Many appreciate the diversity of ideas provided.
Some users highlighted how it sparked their creativity.
A few mentioned it helped them start projects they never would have thought of.
Others wished for more categorization or filtering options.
Due to the confidentiality of specific data like MRR, user numbers, or financing details, the traction details are generalized. As of my last update, precise metrics are not provided publicly.
Market Size
Exact market size data for side project idea platforms is not readily available. However, considering the growing trend of side hustles and entrepreneurship, the potential user base is substantial.
Users struggle to create clear, organized, and effective project reports.
Guide for mastering project report preparation. Users can follow practical steps and tips to ensure their reports are clear, organized, and effective.
Project managers, students, researchers, and professionals requiring assistance in preparing project reports.
Unique Features
Comprehensive guide with practical steps for report preparation
Focus on clarity, organization, and effectiveness of reports
User Comments
Helpful resource for improving report quality
Clear and easy-to-follow guidance provided
Useful for both beginners and experienced report writers
Enhances overall presentation of project reports
Great tool for structuring and refining project documentation
Beta version launched with positive user feedback
Growing user base with increasing engagement
Featured on Product Hunt with high visibility and interest
Market Size
Global demand for project reporting services and guides is projected to reach $XX billion by 2025.