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IP Lookup

IP Lookup

App for searching any IP address and info about your net.
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Users need to search for IP addresses and information about their network manually, which can be time-consuming and tedious.
An app for searching any IP address and providing information about the network in a user-friendly manner.
Core features include: searching for IP addresses, retrieving information about networks.
Network administrators, cybersecurity professionals, tech enthusiasts, gamers.
Unique Features
Ad-free application, user-friendly interface.
User Comments
Simple and effective tool for IP lookup.
Useful for troubleshooting network issues quickly.
App interface is intuitive and easy to use.
Great for gamers looking to check IP addresses.
App saves time for network administrators.
Number of downloads: 10,000+
Positive user reviews on ProductHunt.
Continuous updates and improvements.
Market Size
Global market for IP geolocation services is valued at approximately $3.7 billion.

Show IP - Live View of Website IPs

Effortlessly view IP address of any website.
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Users struggle to check the IP address of websites they visit without making external web requests, leading to inefficiency and potential privacy concerns.
A browser extension called 'Show IP' that allows users to effortlessly check the IP address of any website they visit without making external web requests.
Core features: Check the IP address of websites directly within the browser, ideal for developers and IT professionals.
Developers, IT professionals, and individuals who need to quickly check the IP addresses of websites they visit.
Unique Features
The browser extension provides the ability to view the IP address of a website without making external requests, ensuring user privacy and efficiency.
Market Size
Global cybersecurity market was valued at approximately $167 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $366 billion by 2028, indicating a growing demand for cybersecurity and internet-related tools.
App developers, marketers, and researchers struggle to track downloads, revenues, and key statistics for apps in the App Store, which is vital for market analysis and competitor benchmarking.
AppDetails is an iOS shortcut that estimates App Store metrics, allowing users to track downloads, revenues, and other key statistics for any App Store app.
App developers, marketers, competitive analysts, and research professionals are the most likely to use AppDetails due to their need to understand app market trends and analyze competitor performance.
Unique Features
The product's unique feature is its ability to estimate App Store metrics directly through an iOS shortcut, which simplifies the process of tracking app performance metrics.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of tracking app metrics.
Positive feedback on the accuracy of estimates.
Liked for its role in competitive analysis.
Convenience of the iOS shortcut is frequently mentioned.
Usefulness in market research highlighted by several users.
The product has been listed on Product Hunt with several upvotes, but specific metrics like number of users or revenue are not provided.
Market Size
The mobile analytics industry where AppDetails operates is significant, with a market size expected to reach $15.7 billion by 2026.

IP Lookup by Wafris

Bot, reputation and live probe of IP addresses for threats
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Users face challenges in identifying the nature and activity of IP addresses due to their involvement in spreading malware, attacking sites, or bypassing security filters. The inability to detect VPN, Tor, Proxy, and bot activity poses a significant threat.
A tool that allows users to look up if an IP address has been previously involved in malicious activities, such as spreading malware, attacking sites, or cloaking itself. It enables users to detect VPN, Tor, Proxy, and bot activity and launch a live probe on any IP.
Cybersecurity professionals, IT managers, network administrators, and webmasters who need to secure their networks and websites from malicious activities are the primary users of this product.
Unique Features
The unique aspects of this product include its ability to detect hidden activities of IP addresses, such as VPN, Tor, Proxy, and bot activity, and the capability to launch a live probe on any IP to investigate its nature further.
User Comments
There are no user comments available for review at this moment.
There's no specific traction data such as user base, MRR, or funding information available for this product.
Market Size
The global cybersecurity market was valued at $173 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to $266 billion by 2027, indicating a significant market opportunity for IP lookup tools focused on security.

IP Guide

Look up IP addresses, networks, and ASNs
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Users struggle to find detailed and accurate information about IP addresses, networks, and autonomous systems efficiently, which hinders network analysis and cybersecurity tasks.
IP Guide is a web-based platform that allows users to look up IP addresses, networks, and ASNs, offering a fast, free, and easy-to-use service with a free API and bulk downloads for mapping a network to an ASN and a list of all known autonomous systems.
Network administrators, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers who need to analyze or monitor network and IP-related information effectively.
Unique Features
IP Guide offers fast, free access to IP-related data, a free API for developers, and the capability for bulk downloads for comprehensive network analysis.
User Comments
No user comments available for analysis.
No specific traction data available for analysis.
Market Size
The global IP address management market size is expected to reach $2.3 billion by 2027.

App Finder

The most advanced search engine for Android apps & games
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Users often struggle with discovering the most relevant Android apps and games due to the overwhelming number of options and lack of effective search and filter tools, leading to wasted time and potential dissatisfaction with discoverability and relevance.
A search engine specifically designed for Android apps and games that offers advanced keyword search, numerous filters and sorting options, and displays essential data along with scalable screenshots for over 3.7 million apps. The service provides a user-friendly interface with a free plan and no ads.
Android app and game users seeking specific functionalities or entertainment options, as well as developers looking to increase their app's visibility. The primary user personas include Android users and app developers.
Unique Features
Advanced keyword search, a comprehensive filtering system, sorting options, a vast database of over 3.7 million apps, and a user-friendly interface with scalable screenshots. Additionally, the service offers a free plan without any advertisements.
User Comments
Currently, there are no user comments available to analyse.
The product provides access to over 3,700,000 apps and games, but specific metrics such as user numbers, MRR, financing, or product iteration details are not available.
Market Size
The mobile application market is expected to generate over $935 billion in revenue by 2023.

Easy Block Customer IP Country

Secure your store & block visitors by IP, country and VPN
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Online stores often suffer from security issues by exposing sensitive content to unwanted visitors, including those using VPNs and proxies, leading to potential data breaches and unauthorized access, exposing sensitive content to unwanted visitors.
A Shopify app that utilizes IP and country geolocation blocking to protect content and enhance the security of online stores by restricting access based on IP addresses, countries, and VPN usage.
Shopify store owners, online retailers, e-commerce businesses looking to safeguard their content and enhance website security against unauthorized access.
User Comments
Easily integrates with Shopify.
Effective at blocking unwanted visitors.
Helpful in enhancing store security.
Simple setup process.
Good customer support.
Newly launched on Product Hunt.
Specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing not publicly available.
Market Size
Data not specifically available, but the e-commerce platform security solutions market is growing due to the increased popularity of online shopping and the corresponding need for enhanced security measures.

MAC Address Lookup

Search any device's MAC address to find manufacturer details
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Users need to identify device manufacturers but struggle with the lack of a centralized, accessible tool to easily find MAC address information.
A free MAC address lookup tool that allows users to search across 30,000+ vendors to find device manufacturer details, enhancing network security and providing valuable information for IT and forensics purposes.
IT professionals, cybersecurity experts, network administrators, and digital forensics investigators who require detailed information about device manufacturers through MAC addresses.
Unique Features
The tool’s unique feature is its broad database of over 30,000 vendors, making it one of the most comprehensive MAC address lookup tools available.
User Comments
Efficient and easy to use.
Saves time in network diagnostics.
Essential for IT and security tasks.
Accurate information from a vast database.
Functional on all devices.
Since specific traction data is not provided, further detailed research would be necessary to gather precise numbers regarding users, revenue, and any recent updates or version releases.
Market Size
The global network monitoring market, relevant to this tool, is expected to reach $2.93 billion by 2023.

App HQ

Create website for your next iOS app in seconds
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App developers are required to have a website with contact and privacy policy information for each iOS app in the App Store.
Lack of a quick and easy solution to create compliant websites within seconds.
Web-based tool for creating iOS app websites instantly.
Users can generate websites with necessary contact and privacy policy info in seconds.
Core features include instant website creation, auto-inclusion of contact and privacy policy info, and user-friendly interface.
iOS app developers targeting the App Store.
App developers who require quick and compliant website creation for their apps.
Unique Features
Instant website creation for iOS apps.
Automated inclusion of necessary contact and privacy policy information.
User Comments
Easy and fast solution for creating app websites.
Saves time and effort for app developers.
User-friendly interface and intuitive design.
Great tool for ensuring compliance with App Store requirements.
Highly recommended for iOS developers.
Traction information is not available at the moment for this product.
Market Size
The market size for app developers needing quick website creation solutions can be substantial, given the large number of iOS developers and apps in the market. is a SaaS tool designed for Content Marketers
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Content marketers struggle to streamline their content planning process and lack deep insights into search trends and SERP data.
A SaaS tool,, that leverages artificial intelligence to streamline content planning process and provide deep insights into search trends and SERP data.
Core features: AI-powered content planning, insights into search trends, and SERP data.
Content marketers looking to enhance their content planning process with AI-generated insights.
Unique Features
AI-powered content planning and deep insights into search trends and SERP data.
Market Size
Global SaaS market was valued at $158.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $307.3 billion by 2026.