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HTML to React

HTML to React

Convert designs from any website to React & Figma
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Users have difficulty converting designs from websites into React components and Figma
Browser extension that converts snippets of any website into React components using the Magic Patterns editor
Front-end developers, web designers, and UI/UX designers
Unique Features
Magic Patterns editor for customization and iteration of React components
Export to code or Figma directly

Figma to HTML Website by

Convert your Figma design to live HTML website - no-code
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Designers often struggle to convert their Figma designs into live HTML websites due to the need for coding expertise, leading to time and resource constraints.
Solution offers a no-code Figma to HTML website plugin as part of its service that allows designers to directly convert their designs to live websites effortlessly.
Designers and users with minimal coding knowledge looking to transform their Figma designs into functional websites.
Unique Features
The plugin facilitates a direct transformation of Figma designs into live HTML websites without requiring any coding, making it distinctly accessible and efficient for designers.
User Comments
Efficient and user-friendly, drastically reducing the time to go live.
A lifesaver for designers without coding knowledge.
Great integration with Figma, maintaining the design integrity in the final website.
The simplicity of the plugin makes web development accessible to more people.
Some users expressed a desire for more customization options within the plugin.
The plugin has been installed by 40,000 designers, indicating significant adoption and utility within the design community.
Market Size
The web development market is valued at $40 billion in 2021, with a growing demand for no-code solutions among designers.

Figma To Tilda Design Import

Turn Figma designs into a live website on Tilda in minutes
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Designers and developers face a time-consuming process when they have to manually transfer each element from Figma to Tilda to rebuild their website design from scratch. This manual process is inefficient, prone to errors, and time-consuming.
The product is a tool that automates the process of converting Figma designs into a live website on Tilda. Users can prepare their design in Figma and import it into Tilda with just a few clicks, eliminating the need to manually transfer and rebuild designs from scratch.
The primary users of this product are web designers, web developers, and small to medium-sized business owners who require efficient workflows for turning their Figma designs into fully functional Tilda websites.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is the ability to automatically import designs from Figma into Tilda, facilitating a much more efficient workflow by reducing the time and effort required to build websites.
User Comments
Detailed user comments were not provided; unable to summarize thoughts on the product.
Specific traction details such as version, users, or revenue were not provided; unable to summarize product's traction.
Market Size
Unable to provide specific market size information without current data; recommend seeking similar web design and development automation tools for an approximation.
Designers and developers struggle to convert Figma designs into functional projects efficiently, wasting time and effort on manual conversion and facing inconsistencies in design translation.
A tool that automatically converts Figma designs into responsive, pixel-perfect elements with just a few clicks. This solution streamlines the design-to-development workflow, offering access to free Figma UI Kits for instant conversion.
The product is primarily targeted at web designers, developers, and startup owners looking to simplify their design-to-code workflows.
Unique Features
Automatic conversion of Figma files, availability of curated Figma UI Kits for, and assurance of responsive, pixel-perfect output.
User Comments
Unfortunately, there's no direct access to specific user comments to summarize their thoughts on this product.
Specific traction data including the number of users, revenue, or funding information for this product isn't readily available.
Market Size
The global web design market is expected to reach $40.8 billion by 2026, indicating a large and growing market for tools that streamline design-to-code processes.

Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System

Synchronize Figma Tokens with Ant Design React project
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Designers and developers working on React projects face challenges in keeping the design consistent across the development lifecycle. The manual synchronization of design tokens from Figma into React projects, especially those using Ant Design, is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to inconsistencies in design implementation and reduced development efficiency.
Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System is a tool that automates the synchronization of design tokens from Figma to React projects using Ant Design. It is built on top of the Tokens Studio (Figma Tokens) plugin and offers integration with version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps. This solution allows users to maintain consistency in design across their projects and streamline the development process by automatically updating design tokens in their React projects.
The primary users of this product are UI/UX designers and front-end developers working on React projects that utilize the Ant Design system. These professionals are likely to be part of software development teams in tech companies, freelancers, or agencies looking to maintain design consistency and improve collaboration between design and development teams.
Unique Features
The unique features of Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System include its ability to automatically synchronize design tokens between Figma and React projects, integration with major version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps, and its foundation on the advanced Tokens Studio plugin for Figma. These aspects enable seamless design to development workflow, enhancing productivity and ensuring design consistency.
User Comments
There were no specific user comments provided or found during the analysis. Therefore, a summary of user opinions on this tool cannot be made.
No specific traction data such as number of users, MRR, or financing information was available from the sources provided or found.
Market Size
The global design software market size was valued at $8.92 billion in 2021 and is expected to continue growing, indicating a substantial market for design to development integration tools like Figma Tokens Sync for Ant Design System.

Figma to Webflow plugin

Design websites in Figma, launch in Webflow
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Designers and developers often struggle with transferring their Figma designs into Webflow projects. The manual process is time-consuming and prone to errors and inconsistencies.
A Figma plugin that seamlessly converts and imports Figma designs into production-ready Webflow HTML & CSS. Users can design websites in Figma and then launch them in Webflow, streamlining the workflow and ensuring design fidelity.
Web designers, web developers, UX/UI designers, and digital agencies that use Figma for design and Webflow for website development.
Unique Features
The plugin directly integrates Figma and Webflow, ensuring accurate conversion of designs to HTML & CSS, which is unique as it eliminates the need for manual coding or re-designing within Webflow.
User Comments
Saves time and effort in website production.
Maintains design integrity from Figma to Webflow.
Easy to use and integrate into the workflow.
Eliminates the need for manual coding.
Enhances collaboration between designers and developers.
There's not enough publicly available quantitative data specific to the product's traction like user numbers or revenue. However, the unique nature and utility of the tool suggest it likely has significant interest within the designer communities that utilize both Figma and Webflow.
Market Size
While there's no specific market size available for Figma to Webflow conversion tools, the website builder software market was valued at $6.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow steadily. 3.0

Convert any website into fully editable Figma designs
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Designers and developers face difficulties in converting existing website designs into editable formats for redesign or improvement, leading to increased time and effort in the design process. Converting existing website designs into editable formats
Solution 3.0 is a Figma plugin that allows users to convert webpages into editable designs directly in Figma, streamlining the design process by incorporating user feedback and introducing new features for a more efficient workflow.
Web designers, UX/UI designers, and front-end developers who work on website redesign or improvement projects and seek efficient ways to import and edit existing web designs within Figma.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of 3.0 is its ability to seamlessly convert any website into fully editable Figma designs, directly incorporating changes and improvements into the design workflow.
User Comments
User comments are not available.
Traction details are not available.
Market Size
Data not available

Figma to WordPress Beta

Convert Figma to WordPress websites & themes automatically
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Users struggle to transform Figma designs into WordPress websites efficiently, facing inefficiencies and technical constraints when manually converting designs to code.
A tool that automatically converts Figma designs into WordPress websites and themes, allowing users to easily create beautiful WordPress sites on their custom domains, hosted by Google & Amazon, without needing to code.
This product is ideal for web designers, front-end developers, and digital marketing agencies who regularly work with WordPress and seek efficient ways to translate designs into fully functional websites.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this solution is its ability to automatically convert Figma designs into WordPress sites without requiring any coding, direct integration with Google & Amazon for hosting, and free use with options to upgrade.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of converting designs directly within Figma.
Highly praised for saving time and reducing the need for front-end developers.
Some users mention occasional bugs but appreciate frequent updates.
Positive feedback on the quality of the WordPress themes generated.
Free forever plan is well-received, with interest in affordable upgrade options.
Due to the constraints, specific quantitative traction data is not provided. For accurate traction, please refer directly to the product's Product Hunt page or official website.
Market Size
With the growth of WordPress which powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, the market for tools facilitating the design-to-code process, especially for WordPress, is significant.

Figma to React Bootstrap Plugin

Automatically generate code-ready React-Bootstrap components
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Designers and developers spend a significant amount of time manually converting Figma designs into React-Bootstrap code, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process.
A Figma Plugin that automatically generates code-ready React-Bootstrap components from Figma designs, simplifying and accelerating the development workflow.
Web developers and UI/UX designers who use Figma for design and prefer React-Bootstrap for developing web applications.
Unique Features
Automates the conversion of Figma designs into React-Bootstrap code.
User Comments
Users haven’t shared specific thoughts about this product yet.
Specific traction data or metrics for this product are not available.
Market Size
The global frontend development tools market is expected to grow, but specific market size for Figma to React Bootstrap plugin is not available. Comparable data: The global web development market size was valued at $20.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow. 2.0

Convert any website into fully editable Figma designs
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Designers and developers often struggle to bring existing website designs into Figma for editing or improvement, leading to inefficient workflow and lack of cohesion in design elements. The main drawbacks are the inefficient workflow and lack of cohesion in design elements.
HTML to Design 2.0 is a Figma plugin allowing users to convert any website into fully editable Figma designs. Users can import a single webpage or entire websites into Figma, benefiting from features like bulk imports, multi-viewport, multi-themes, and generating text and color styles.
Web designers, front-end developers, and digital marketers who need to import, edit, or improve web designs within Figma for their projects.
Unique Features
The unique features of HTML to Design 2.0 include bulk imports, multi-viewport adjustments, multi-themes capability, and automated generation of text and color styles directly from websites to Figma.
User Comments
Significantly streamlines the design process.
Highly useful for redesign or A/B testing projects.
Saves hours of manual work.
Bulk import feature is a game-changer.
Makes collaboration between designers and developers easier.
Given the nature of ProductHunt listings, specific quantitative traction data is not provided. However, the product has received positive feedback and upvotes on ProductHunt, indicating a growing interest and adoption within the design and developer communities.
Market Size
The global web design market is projected to reach $40.8 billion by 2026, indicating a large and potentially growing market for tools like HTML to Design 2.0 that streamline and enhance web design and development processes.