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Gematria Calculator

Gematria Calculator

Simple and fast Gematria Calculator website
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Users need to perform Gematria calculations manually or using complex tools, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient.
A web-based Gematria Calculator tool that provides simple and fast calculations for English and Simple Gematria.
Explore a database of user-submitted calculations with insightful statistics.
People interested in numerology, mysticism, symbolism, and linguistic analysis.
Astrologers, researchers, students, and individuals exploring esoteric knowledge.
Unique Features
Privacy-focused calculations
Database of user-submitted calculations with statistics
User Comments
Easy-to-use Gematria tool
Great insights from the database
Saves time and effort for users
Privacy-focused approach appreciated
Useful for both beginners and professionals
Growing database of user-submitted calculations
Positive user feedback on simplicity and functionality
Market Size
The numerology and esoteric knowledge market has been growing steadily, and Gematria tools cater to a niche audience. The global numerology market is estimated to be worth around $40 billion.

Math playground - smart online calculator
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Math calculations can be tedious and slow when done manually, especially for complex or rapid calculations. Traditional calculators are often limited in functionality, slowing down experimentation with mathematical ideas. tedious and slow when done manually
Solution is an online calculator designed as a 'Math Playground', providing a simple and fast way to perform everyday math needs. Users can quickly calculate subtractions, additions, and experiment with new ideas using an easy-to-use interface. simple and fast calculator for your everyday math needs
The primary users of are students, teachers, and professionals in fields requiring frequent math calculations, such as engineering, finance, and research. students, teachers, and professionals
Unique Features stands out for its 'Math Playground' approach, encouraging users to experiment with math ideas beyond traditional calculations. It offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies complex calculations.
User Comments
Not enough data on user comments was provided to accurately sum up thoughts on the product.
Not enough data on the product's traction, including number of users, revenues, or other metrics, was provided to accurately report on its success.
Market Size
The global educational technology market was valued at $106 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow., aimed at both educational and professional sectors, falls within this broader market.

Buildai Website

Build a website with a simple AI chat
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Creating a website requires technical skills in design, content creation, and coding, which can be time-consuming and challenging for individuals without a technical background.
BuildAI offers a simple AI chat interface that guides users through the process of creating a website. Users can have a conversation with the AI, which then leads to the creation of a website with an attractive design, compelling content, and seamless coding.
The primary users are small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals who lack the technical skills or resources to design and code a website from scratch but need an online presence.
Unique Features
The key distinguishing factor is its AI-driven chat interface that simplifies the traditionally complex process of website creation into a conversational and user-friendly experience.
User Comments
Users have not provided specific comments for analysis.
The specific traction metrics for BuildAI, including user numbers, revenue, or financing status, are not available for analysis.
Market Size
The global website builder market size is expected to reach $2,670 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2020 to 2027.

Fastpal - Intermittent Fasting

Simple to use intermittent fasting tracker
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Users needing to track their intermittent fasting schedules find existing tools complicated or cluttered with ads, making it hard to maintain a focused and seamless fasting experience.
FastPal is an app focused on being the best tool for intermittent fasting, designed to be simple and intuitive while still offering configurability for advanced users. It offers a premium option for extended features, with no ads to disrupt the user experience.
Individuals practicing intermittent fasting who prefer a straightforward, customizable tool to monitor their fasting windows and progress without distractions.
User Comments
User feedback not available due to lack of direct user comments referenced.
Traction details are not available due to the absence of specific quantitative data in the provided information.
Market Size
The global health and wellness market, inclusive of niche segments like intermittent fasting, was valued at $4.2 trillion in recent reports.

DIY Websites AI Website Builder

Generate a business website in less than a minute
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Business owners often struggle to create their own websites due to lack of design skills, content creation abilities, and time constraints.
DIY Websites' AI Website Builder is an AI-assisted website builder that allows users to craft fully designed one-page business websites with compelling content and eye-catching images in less than a minute.
Small business owners, solopreneurs, and freelance professionals who need an online presence quickly but lack the technical skills or resources for traditional website development.
Unique Features
The product uniquely combines AI-assisted design and content creation to generate complete one-page business websites rapidly, focusing on speed and ease of use without sacrificing quality.
User Comments
Extremely user-friendly and intuitive
Saves a lot of time and money
High-quality website designs
Innovative use of AI for website building
Great solution for small businesses to get online quickly
Unable to access current traction data including user numbers, MRR, or recent updates.
Market Size
The global website builder platform market size is expected to reach $2.4 billion by 2024.

Simple Uptime

Monitor the health of your websites and servers inside Slack
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Businesses struggle to monitor the health of their websites and servers effectively and need to frequently shift between tools. Traditional monitoring solutions can be complex and separate from communication channels, making coordination slower.
Simple Uptime is a monitoring tool integrated directly into Slack. It monitors website, API, and server health, and delivers up/downtime alerts in Slack. Monitor health inside Slack, get alerts delivered to your team's channel.
IT teams, developers, and web administrators in businesses of any size who rely on consistent server and website uptime.
Unique Features
Integration with Slack for alerts, no separate registration needed, quick setup in under 1 minute.
User Comments
People love the Slack integration for real-time monitoring.
User praised the simplicity and ease of setup.
Positive feedback on no external registration needed.
Appreciation for real-time downtime alerts.
Some users requested additional features like more detailed analytics.
Featured on ProductHunt, significant engagement but exact user numbers and revenue are not provided. Positive initial user feedback.
Market Size
The website monitoring market is growing and is projected to reach $2.5 billion by 2025.

Notion Website Builder Guide

Guide to building a website on Notion
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Users find it challenging to build websites due to the complexities involved with traditional website builders.
A guide that acts as a dashboard to help users learn to build websites on Notion, simplifying the process by providing a list of Notion-based website building tools like,,,, and
Individuals or small business owners looking to create their own websites without diving into the complexities of coding or traditional website building platforms.
User Comments
Users appreciate the simplicity it brings to website building.
Helpful for those unfamiliar with coding.
The education component is highly valued.
Makes the process of using Notion for websites accessible.
Positive feedback on the range of tools covered.
Since product specifics like user numbers or revenue are not provided, traction details cannot be directly addressed. The presence on ProductHunt and a dedicated website suggests initial market penetration and interest.
Market Size
The global website builder market size was $2,624 million in 2022 and is expected to grow due to increasing demand for web development platforms that require minimal coding.

Simple OTP

Simple passwordless authentication for your website
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Users struggle with managing numerous passwords and remembering them for different websites, leading to frustration and decreased security due to the reuse of simple, memorizable passwords. managing numerous passwords and remembering them
Simple OTP is a tool that allows website owners to implement passwordless authentication through One Time Password (OTP) and 'magic sign-in links'. Users can integrate this tool in three steps using React, Vue, or JS SDKs, simplifying the login process. implement passwordless authentication through One Time Password (OTP) and 'magic sign-in links'
Website owners, developers, and product managers looking for secure, user-friendly authentication methods for their platforms. Website owners, developers, and product managers
Unique Features
The simplicity of integration using popular frameworks (React, Vue, JS) and the combination of OTP with 'magic sign-in links' for a versatile passwordless authentication method.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of integration.
The security offered by passwordless authentication is highly valued.
The use of both OTP and magic links provides flexibility.
Developer-friendly documentation.
Positive impact on user experience.
Newly launched on ProductHunt with positive early feedback, indicating growing interest.
Specific traction data such as the number of users or MRR is not provided.
Market Size
The global passwordless authentication market size is expected to grow significantly, with projections suggesting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.7% from 2020 to 2025.

EV Charge Calculator and News

Charging calculations made fast with the latest EV news
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Electric vehicle owners often struggle to calculate the optimal charging cost and understand the available range after charging, comparing it with traditional fuel costs, while staying updated with the latest EV news.
A mobile app that allows users to calculate EV charging costs, compare these with traditional fuel, and check the available distance after charging. Additionally, the app provides the latest news related to electric vehicles.
Electric vehicle owners, environmental enthusiasts, automotive journalists, and those considering transitioning to electric vehicles. The primary users are likely EV owners who directly benefit from the app's functionalities.
Unique Features
Combines cost calculation, range simulation, fuel comparison, and news updates in a single platform. Additionally, the app is economically priced at 1€, making it highly accessible.
User Comments
Clear and efficient for calculations.
Cost-effective at just 1€.
Highly useful for range estimation.
Keeps me updated with EV-related news.
Comparative features with traditional fuels are handy.
Launched on Product Hunt, available on both App Store and Play Store, priced economically at 1€.
Market Size
The global electric vehicle market is projected to grow from $287 billion in 2021 to over $1,318 billion by 2028, indicating a massive potential user base for the EV Charge Calculator and News app.
Users practicing intermittent, religious fasting, or trying to reduce late night snacking face challenges in maintaining their fasting schedules and eating with intention. Challenges in maintaining fasting schedules and eating with intention.
A fasting app that assists users in tracking their fasting schedules, whether it's for intermittent fasting, religious reasons, or to reduce snacking. Users can plan their fasts, monitor their progress, and receive guidance to eat with more intention. Assists users in tracking their fasting schedules and eating with intention.
Individuals practicing intermittent fasting, people observing religious fasts, and those aiming to cut down on snacking. Individuals practicing intermittent fasting, observing religious fasts, and aiming to cut down on snacking.
User Comments
Easy to use and helps maintain fasting goals
Great tool for anyone looking to improve their eating habits
Visually appealing and motivating
Customizable fasting plans fit personal goals
Encourages mindfulness and intention in eating