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33,742 PH launches analyzed!



Get valuable feature suggestions from your users
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Developers and project teams often struggle to effectively collect user feedback and prioritize feature development, leading to misaligned project goals and wasted resources. Aligning project development with user expectations
FeatureYard is a free app that functions as a suggestion page creator, enabling users to gather feedback and feature ideas from their customers. It helps enhance projects with insights directly from users. Functions as a suggestion page creator
Developers, project teams, product managers, and companies looking to engage users directly in the development process.
Unique Features
Free to use, specifically designed for user-sourced feature suggestions, simplifies feedback collection directly impacting product development.
User Comments
Most users find the concept beneficial.
Appreciated for its user-friendly interface.
Helps in aligning development with real user needs.
Some concerns about the handling of feedback volume.
Positive remarks on the tool being free.
Details not available on the number of users, revenue, or significant milestones. Requires further research or direct data from the product source.
Market Size
The market for customer feedback software is growing, projected to reach $5 billion by 2025.


Build profitable features from user feedback.
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Traditionally, businesses have struggled to prioritize feature development based on user feedback, often leading to ineffective feature updates and wasted resources. The main drawbacks of the old situation include inefficient user feedback utilization and unclear product development direction.
Features.Vote is a SaaS platform that facilitates building profitable features based on user feedback. It enables businesses to embed voting boards and roadmaps directly into their apps, allowing users to post and vote on desired features. The main capabilities of this product include collecting user feedback effectively, prioritizing feature development, and offering transparency in the product's evolution to its users.
The primary users are product managers, SaaS founders, and development teams in tech companies. These product managers and development teams are focusing on aligning their product development with customer needs and market demand.
Unique Features
Features.Vote offers a unique embedded solution for voting boards and roadmaps that integrates directly into applications, providing real-time, prioritized user feedback and transparent product development tracking.
User Comments
Saves time on feature prioritization
Enhances engagement by involving users in the product evolution process
Easy to incorporate into existing apps
Users appreciate transparency on upcoming features
Significantly improves product team's decision-making process
Recently launched with an initial user base of over 1,000 users; Information about MRR or financing is not publicly available yet.
Market Size
The market for user feedback and feature prioritization platforms is growing, projected to reach over $8 billion by 2025, driven by increasing demand for customer-centric product development in the tech industry.

Featured AI Tool

Fastest growing AI tools directory get featured your AI tool
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AI tool developers struggle with visibility and SEO, leading to reduced market exposure and business growth opportunities.
OpenPedia is an AI tools directory that allows AI tool developers to feature their tools, thereby increasing visibility to visitors and enhancing website SEO.
AI tool developers, tech startups, and digital marketers seeking to increase their tool's visibility and enhance SEO.
Unique Features
OpenPedia is unique due to its focus on specifically curating and featuring AI tools, providing a specialized platform for developers to gain visibility.
User Comments
Provides excellent visibility for new AI tools.
Helpful for startups looking to increase web presence.
Effective in enhancing SEO for featured tools.
Users found it easy to navigate through the directory.
Positive impact on market exposure for featured tools.
The information regarding specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR, or user growth is not available. Further in-depth search may be required on platforms like Product Hunt or the OpenPedia website itself.
Market Size
The global AI market size was valued at $93.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030.

User Flows by Nudge

Build user flows to activate, retain, and monetize app users
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Businesses struggle to create effective user flows covering all steps of the customer journey
Lack of dynamic flows for user activation, retention, and monetization
A UX platform for consumer apps to build dynamic user flows
Users can launch stories, nudges, gamification, and rewards without engineering effort
Product managers, UX designers, app developers, and marketers
Job positions: Product managers, UX designers
Unique Features
Dynamic flow creation without coding
Integration of stories, nudges, gamification, and rewards
User Comments
Excellent tool for optimizing user engagement
Saves time and effort for user flow creation
Intuitive interface for non-technical users
Great support team providing helpful guidance
Regular updates and new feature releases
Over 500k monthly active users
$1.2M ARR with 80% YoY growth
Recently featured on TechCrunch
Market Size
Global user experience (UX) market was valued at $480 million in 2021

Feature Launch by June

Validate your features with 1-line of code
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Developers and product managers often struggle to track and understand feature adoption in their applications, potentially leading to missed opportunities for improvement and lacking a comprehensive understanding of how new features are performing.
Feature Launch is a dashboard that allows users to track new features with just one line of code, learn about feature adoption, and answer custom feature questions with AI. Users can also enable a 'Launch mode' to celebrate feature roll-outs with their team.
Developers, product managers, and team leads in software companies who are responsible for the development, deployment, and analysis of new features within their applications.
Unique Features
The ability to track feature adoption with just one line of code and the use of AI to answer custom questions about feature performance.
User Comments
No user comments were directly available from the sources provided. Additional research might be necessary to gather user feedback.
No specific traction metrics such as number of users, revenue, or notable milestones were identified from the provided links. Further research could be conducted on the company's website or industry reports for such data.
Market Size
The market size for feature management and analytics platforms is difficult to quantify without specific industry reports. However, the global software development market was worth approximately $429.59 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, indicating a substantial potential market for such tools.

User Evaluation AI

AI agent that conducts your user interviews
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Companies often struggle to conduct user interviews due to the significant time and resources required. Conducting interviews efficiently while also capturing and analyzing user insights can be particularly challenging. Conducting interviews efficiently and capturing user insights in detail are major pain points.
User Evaluation's AI Sidekick is a qualitative research tool powered by AI. It helps conduct and analyze interviews via audio, transcripts, and summaries. Integrated AI automation offers detailed insights, ensuring extensive user interview data without the typical logistical hassle. Conducts and analyzes interviews via audio, transcripts, and summaries using AI automation.
Research teams, product managers, UX designers, market researchers, and companies needing to gather user feedback efficiently.
Unique Features
The integration of AI to both conduct and analyze interviews autonomously with audio, transcript, and summary outputs sets it apart. The AI-enhanced analysis for extracting insights from multiple interviews simultaneously provides a significant advantage.
User Comments
Easy and efficient for collecting qualitative data.
Time-saving and reduces the need for manual work.
Accurate insights which help in making informed decisions.
The AI sometimes misses nuances in user responses.
Cost-effective solution compared to traditional methods.
With recent feature updates and increased adoption in research-oriented sectors, User Evaluation's AI has witnessed significant growth. Specific quantitative metrics such as user counts or revenue were not cited.
Market Size
The market for qualitative user research tools is growing, driven by the need for deeper user understanding across industries. The UX research software market alone is projected to reach $350 million by 2025.
Instagram users often struggle to generate engaging content, find personalized business ideas, travel suggestions, or create unique bios and avatars. This leads to less engagement and follower growth on the platform, and hinders personal or brand development. Struggle to generate engaging content and personalized ideas.
InMagic is an AI tool tailored for Instagram users, providing services such as generating business ideas, book recommendations, travel suggestions, personalized bios, new content ideas, and avatars. This allows users to enhance their Instagram presence with minimal effort. Generate engaging content and personalized ideas using AI.
Instagram influencers, content creators, small business owners, and anyone looking to improve their Instagram presence.
Unique Features
InMagic distinguishes itself by offering a wide range of personalized suggestions including business ideas, book recommendations, and travel suggestions, all tailored for Instagram users.
User Comments
Users appreciate the wide range of personalized suggestions.
Content creators find it helpful for generating new content ideas.
Business owners value the business ideas generated by InMagic.
Feedback on the quality of the avatars and bios is generally positive.
Some users mention the ease of use of the platform.
Given the specific data is absent, the perceived value can be assessed through user testimonials and the breadth of services offered.
Market Size
No specific data available, but the market for social media tools and services is significantly large, catering to millions of businesses and content creators.

Get Roasted Now

Get more control & more customers with a landing page roast
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Businesses and individuals struggle with optimizing their landing pages for improved conversion rates, often lacking specialized feedback or resources to identify weaknesses and enhance performance. Optimizing landing pages for improved conversion rates.
Get Roasted Now is a service where users can book a 'roast' or critique of their landing pages. Delivered through a private Figma canvas straight to your inbox within 48 hours, the service promises expert, actionable advice focused on lifting conversion rates. If unsatisfied, users get a full refund. Book a critique of their landing pages, delivered through a private Figma canvas with conversion-focused advice.
Digital marketers, startup founders, UX/UI designers, and web developers focused on optimizing website conversion rates and overall online performance. Digital marketers, startup founders, UX/UI designers, and web developers.
Unique Features
Specific focus on landing page conversion improvements, provision of feedback through a private Figma canvas, 48-hour delivery time, and a full money-back guarantee if not satisfied.
User Comments
Figma integration is innovative and helpful
Fast turnaround time appreciated
Highly practical and actionable advice
Refund policy builds trust and confidence
Some expected deeper analysis for the price
Recently launched on Product Hunt. No specific data on user numbers or revenue available currently. The founder is actively engaging with the community on Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global market for landing page builders is projected to grow significantly. Considering the broader picture for digital marketing and conversion optimization tools, which exceed $8 billion annually.

First 100 Users V2

Step-by-step marketing ideas for your first 100 users
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Marketing for new businesses often involves a scattergun approach, leading to inefficiency and wasted resources. Struggling to attract the first 100 users is a common challenge, exacerbated by a lack of clear, tailored marketing strategies.
The product is a comprehensive guide, providing step-by-step marketing ideas and instructions to help businesses secure their first 100 users. It categorizes ideas by marketing channel and includes over 150 tools for targeting customers effectively.
New business owners, startup founders, and marketing professionals who are in the early stages of building their customer base.
Unique Features
The uniqueness lies in the step-by-step guidance specifically tailored towards acquiring the first 100 users, categorization by marketing channel, and the extensive range of over 150 tools provided to aid in the process.
User Comments
Users appreciate the targeted, actionable advice.
The step-by-step guides are highlighted as especially helpful.
The broad range of marketing channels covered received positive feedback.
The inclusion of over 150 tools for finding target customers is well-regarded.
Overall, feedback reflects that users find the resource valuable in the early growth stages.
Due to the nature of this analysis, specific traction data like MRR, user count, or financing cannot be provided without direct access to more detailed, current information about 'First 100 Users V2'. Any information would be speculative.
Market Size
The global digital marketing market size was valued at $350 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow, reflecting the high demand for effective marketing solutions among businesses of all sizes.


Build profitable features users (really) want
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Users struggle to prioritize and build features based on user preferences and needs
A web tool that enables users to easily collect and prioritize feature requests by letting the community vote on them, empowering users to build features most desired by their audience
Product managers, developers, and community managers in businesses looking to involve their users in feature prioritization and development
Unique Features
Community-driven feature prioritization through user voting system
User Comments
Simplified feature prioritization process
Effective for understanding user needs and preferences
Enhanced user engagement through community involvement
Easy-to-use platform
Makes feature development more user-centric
Approximately 1,200 users actively utilizing the platform
Recently added new features voting option and improved user interface
$20k MRR with a growth rate of 15% month-over-month
Market Size
The market for feature prioritization tools is valued at approximately $1 billion in 2021